The Ressurecter

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A/N: First before I continue,/let me say something. I am changing Justin(boyfriend) name to Jack. I'm keeping the J, but it's getting confusing. So I'm just letting you know. Thanks. Bai!

Justin and I went out the bathroom window while Jack went out from downstairs. We all met at my house and Justin wanted to take his car. Jack and I glanced at each other simultaneously and back at Justin. We all agreed, since, our bikes are lost. Let me explain something, his car is not just any car. It's a good car. It's a 2014 Mustang Horse Power. (I'm not a car person I don't know stuff) It's really fast and we know the exact place to get a ressurecter.

We went to a funeral home. We asked the guy at the front desk if there's a ressurecter here. He said in the back, and he showed us the way. We walked in and there was a man wearing a black hooded coat. His hoodie was up and it went down to the bottom of his feet. On the back, it head a red skull and white X on the back. He turned around and asked us what did we need.

"We need you to come with us."

"Look young lady, I am busy at the moment."

Jack steps in and says, "We need you to resurrect somebody."

"Ok. Let me just get my things."

He got a flower, herbs, and a coffin.

Justin and Jack took the coffin from him and put it in the car.

It's time to revive.

A/N: OMFG 1.03K VIEWS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am now very happy. You guys made a dream come true. Thank you. I will try uploading chapters quicker. I hope this makes up for my days loss. I'm sowwy. Anyways, vote and follow. But, thanks guys.


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