Additional Chapter | The Moment I Knew

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I'm sorry for another additional Chapter. I'm obsessed with their complicated story. Lol.


Hera's POV

I met Lay again, this time with Baekhyun. He was leaving for China that night. My boyfriend appeared calm and composed, I almost thought that he had no idea about my talk with his friends, but his extra care towards me proved otherwise. He knew that I knew what had happened that night with Taeyeon. What really pushed him to the next step of our mutual attraction.

It made me happy as well as sad.

"Aaa..." Baekhyun opened his mouth and I did the same as he fed me meat. His grin was infectious. My face broke into a smile. Lay was there and he had a smile on his face seeing us like that. Fei was not in the sight. Chanyeol and Sana were with us.

"Ah. You two are really something." Chanyeol made fun of us. "I'm going to award you guys with the cheesiest couple award."

Even though we all had gathered only a few times, everyone called us cheesy couple because of Baekhyun. He was very random when it came to his activities. He would start braiding my hair, act cute to make me laugh, pinch my cheeks, feed me and sometimes even acted as if in a comedy show. He had a funny side.

With all the doubts in my mind about him, I had almost forgotten about our good times. My insecurities and his ignorance somewhere made me think of the bad side more. Until we talked about it, I felt like I was always going to wonder if his feelings were true or not. If what we had was one sided or not.

After dinner, we all sat there, just talking. Sana told us about some memory of her from her time in China, and I frowned when Baekhyun held my hand. The gesture should've made me happy but it didn't. The effect was opposite. I hated the action. I hated that he held my hand when he had never done it before when we were out of our apartments. He never did it outside, but he was doing it after the talk. I hated it.

It made me feel like a burden.

"Let me go!" A sound came from the outside and the conversation stopped. We all turned to the door. Alanna appeared, Suho behind her, glaring at the back of her head. Alanna's eyes landed on me, then she looked at our intertwined hands. It made her step back and glance at Suho, who turned to me and smiled a fake smile. "I'm sorry to disturb you."

She walked past Suho. The latter also followed her out. I excused myself to talk to both of them. I needed to know what was going on behind the scenes. Our phone conversation was really messing my mind. I found Alanna standing by the back door. Suho, leaning against the wall opposite to her.

"At least act like you're conflicted about it or something. How could you not have a bit of a consciousness, you jerk," Alanna was telling Suho.

"Alanna sunbae-"

She straightened up when heard me. "Hyun Jae." She glanced at me. "It's Hyun Jae, Hera." Her eyes looked at Suho, who shook his head.

"I'm sorry for today." Suho approached me carefully as if he was scared of what I could say to break the spell. "And for that call too. I mean, the call Hyun Jae did." I could tell he wanted to say many things, but chose not to. "Go back and enjoy the night, Hera." He then looked Alanna. "I'm in my car. I'll drop you off."

Suho left the scene. I had never seen Irene cry in front of the camera. So to see her tear up made me nervous. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

Blinking her eyes, she said, "No problem. I'm sorry for the call. It was unprofessional of me to call you like that. I don't know what I was thinking -"


"Go back." She nodded with a tight smile.

"You need to let it go." Sana, who must be standing there for a while, commented. "You need to move on, Hyun Jae."

Alanna breathed deeply, ran a hand through her hair. "Don't worry. I have. I have fully moved on. Enjoy the night. Good night." With that she walked out of the door.

I excused myself to go to the restroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. It hurt. It hurt to no extent that I was in the middle of nowhere in this relationship. I wanted to come clean but at the same time, I didn't want to. I did not want to let go. I couldn't even cry. It felt like I had no tears left to cry. Or maybe I had become numb to this pain.

There was only one way to end this cycle and I couldn't do it. It hurt physically. I felt pain in my chest and sat there, cuddling myself, telling myself that there was a brighter side if I went through it. Maybe the outcome would be in my favor. Maybe I and Baekhyun would be able to get over these hurdles and misunderstandings.

That we would come unscathed, and would live a happily ever after.

My head hurt. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the good. His smile. His kisses. His care. His love. The memories got overshadowed again. His ignorance. His cautious nature. His truthful eyes which were telling me something he wasn't. My insecurities. His lies. My overwhelming love. Everything made me feel like I was going to throw up.

He's going to leave you.

He's better than you.

He doesn't deserve you. Look at him. He's a dream. What are you?

He's out of conscious with you.

He's not for you. You're nothing.

You're nothing.

He's everything.

You're nothing.

"Please stop," I whispered. "Please stop." I covered my ears and tried to breath slowly. Everything was fine. Baekhyun was out there, waiting for me. His friends were my friends now. They all cared for me. They helped me. Baekhyun liked me. Even though I didn't like myself, he did.

Does he? Does he even like you? My inner voice asked.

"Hera?" Baekhyun's voice came from the other side. I must've spent a lot of time in the washroom. I stood up, stumbling on my steps for a moment. I opened the door and there he was smiling at me. "I thought you forgot your way or something."

I stepped out. He tucked my hair back, his eyes gentle and I felt that I liked myself more when he looked at me like that. Like he wanted to stare at me forever and sieze the moment. I placed my hand over his cheek and kissed him. He was surprised, I could tell, because he took some time to respond.

"What was that for?" Baekhyun leaned back and asked, a dazzling look in his eyes.

"Just because." I smiled.

He chuckled and guided me back to the dining area. Sana had already left. Chanyeol hugged me and Lay patted my cheek and said, "All the best." I knew what he was talking about. I nodded and we all made our way to the outside to get into our respective cars.

Baekhyun dropped my hand and went to Chanyeol, talking about random stuff. Coldness seeped into my bones. Lay was on call and already was ahead of us. I was left alone behind, and Baekhyun... just didn't care. Chanyeol did try to stop to wait for me, but Baekhyun kept joking around and pulled him forward, whispering in his ear as Chanyeol laughed at whatever Baekhyun told him.

Did my boyfriend know that I was there with him too? Didn't look like that.

I stood there, staring at him. My eyes went to Lay, who also looked at me. He glanced at Baekhyun and then at me. I tried to smile but it was of no use. He knew. I knew. Lay slowly put his phone back in his pocket and stepped forward but I shook my head. There was nothing he could say that would make it better.

I got into my car. Baekhyun passed by my side and then stopped, glancing back to me. "I like you, Hera," he said, his face blank. I was about to roll up the window of the car when he said it, and I paused. My eyes went to him and he nodded, "I'll see you later." Then he was gone.

It was the moment I knew what was going to happen soon.

Instead of pain, the realisation was peaceful.

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