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     What did just happen? Why did she just pull me in like that? Did I dream it all? Am I hallucinating? Oh my God What is even happening.

I felt a warm hand on my back trying to get my attention and that's when I realized someone was calling me, someone desperately trying to shake me out of the trance I was in. I heard a voice a rather sweet, caring voice. "Honey are you all right there?" I came back to my senses I opened my mouth to speak but the word that fell out of my mouth were "huh" I knew I had to form an affirmative sentence to convince her I was fine because I needed to be left alone "yeah,no I mean yes, I am fine I just saw a bird flying it caught my attention." I explained to the 50 year old librarian.

"Inside a closed library on the ground floor?", she frowned. I felt like before my stupid explanation it seemed like she actually cared and was concerned but now it seems like she hated me for wasting her time. I mean it was stupid seriously Briar a bird everything would have made more sense than a bird.

"I am sorry I will be out in a minute, sorry to bother you." She seemed satisfied that I actually wasn't here to piss her off. I took my bag stuffed it with my teeny tiny brain and took off.

After what felt like an eternity of searching I finally reached the canteen of our college it was the 3rd year of college and everyone had groups and friends and off course I was alone cause I was new here. I am glad though it's not like I hate human contact, quite the opposite actually. It's just that after what happened with Anaya. I need a minute. It's not I am here for. I need to focus.

I decided to pay attention to the project instead, to take my head of her. I started to Google stuff but when I reached the Google's explore page I saw an add of rings, silver boho rings. Exactly the ones Anaya's fingers were filled with, it reminded me of cold they felt on my skin when she pulled me flush against her. When I first saw her I knew it was her because Mrs Green told me 'the girl who looked like a half homeless and half emo person in the library was her' she was a different kind of captivating. Her short, curly, raven black hair stayed firm on her head, moving slightly with her movement. Rings on all of her fingers some even had half rings, to be honest my anxiety could never I would fidget with them till my fingers break or the rings break. She had worn a baggy black jeans ripped near the knee and thigh. A loose grey hoodie of the band AC/DC. White sneakers and a black bandana with white details tied around the sleeve of her hoodie. I can atleast confirm her favorite color was black.

She had a firm stance. Taller and sturdier than me. She had a thin black framed glass perched on her nose.

What did she mean she had to work? Was she working? Wasn't she 19? I had so many questions arising from a not longer than a 15 minute meeting I had with her. But the most scary or confusing question.

Why was I feeling this way? Why am I so bothered?

I didn't know what to feel. Why didn't I push her away? Why didn't I slap her or defend my self when I was caught off-guard? Why did my hands feel like dead weight? Aaaaarrrrgghh!!

"Hi, Briar Davis right?" I heard from my right, I would be forever grateful to this person or else by now I would be questioning my existence if I was left alone for any longer. Being alone wasn't a nice idea after all.

"Yes" I said nodding. "I am Rachel, I am your classmate, Mrs Green told us about you and I found out just now we are roommates too, so......" she trailed of.

"Oh ok" letting her continue as I shifted so she could sit down on the metal bench. She had short brunette hair with blonde bangs, she seemed pretty sweet to even talk to me in the first place given the fact that I did not look quiet approachable. Stress was dripping of my face.

"I actually came to ask if you needed help shifting?,since we are roommates I would love to help." She continued catching me off guard with her kindness.

"No, I already shifted everything an hour ago or so." She pinned me with a confused look and I understood the confusion I went on "I don't have regular lectures, today was just shifting and going through the campus and meeting the teachers, because all of this happened in such a haste I talked to the headmaster to make an exception for me and let me join tomorrow". "He agreed, so......" I trailed off mentally checking if I explained enough.

"Atleast you didn't get the English literature project" she assumed.

"No, that I got I actually told her myself to give the project." I corrected her. Her eyes wide in shock "You yourself asked for the project?" She asked.

"Yes, people pleasing is a coping mechanism, what can I say?" I joked. She laughed and went on to sit with each leg on either side of the thin bench to face me completely focusing her attention on me. As if to say something serious.

"Ok, so the main reason I am here,  we have this party at Fitz the local bar near the corner its a major hanging out place for all the students, and we have a birthday party there so you have to come it starts at 8 in the evening." She explained her motives. Smiling brightly trying to win me over. "Plus the birthday person has specifically told me to invite you, so yes or no?" She continued surprising me furthermore.

Some group of girls came by telling Rachel something that made her eyes wide and she stood up immediately. She asked me hurriedly "yes or no?, yes or no?."

On any other day it would have been no but today I needed a break. I needed to make more friends and I had decided to let loose atleast this time, knowing what happened last time, no risks. "Yes, I am coming" I confirmed.

I asked her the main question eating  me alive as she was being dragged by her friends "Whose birthday is it? Who invited me?" I shouted no one noticed me because of all the commotion, she was already half way across the canteen she twisted her upper body to answer me "Its" her friends pulled both her arms that she straightened up.

She turned for the last time "You will see I will meet you in the room at 7pm sharp." she smiled waving at me, almost running off. I waved back she did not see it, that wasn't new

I guess I would have to just wait and see......



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