Chapter 6 - Vietnam FREAKIN SUCKS

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So here I am Vietnam. I have to admit it freak in sucks butt here. I have met some cool people though like this guy named Ethan. He was a mafia member from Detroit kind of ironic right? But yeah we were friends during the Vietnam war. I also met this guy named Forrest Hump who was kind of on the slow side if you know what I'm saying. But yeah there was a LOT OF KOOLAID RAIN LIKE A LOT. But we weren't fighting Vietnamese people were fight cavemen who were frozen in glaciers along with 5 gazillion dinosaurs so we had to kill a lot of cavemen and dinos. One day on the battlefield I was going all Rambo on these cavemen when suddenly Ethan was struck in the heart with a rainbow spear and then I was struck in the leg, and then I fell unconscious.

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