I peed my pant during after school

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Authors note : this was when i was in 1st grade it was very warm happy face. if tyou are from my school just dont spread rumors about this school just rememver this is all jokes until unti l you decide to be mean about it uwu teehee. i cant spell and i hace really bad gramear . this story is tramutic it will make pee and ry.

We were done with our reading logs  that we had an it was very not fun.  My friend Lauren left already so i was all alone in the 1st grade play ground.

I was playing in the play ground and then i felt like i had to go to the restroom

yk that feeling that warns you. yeah i ignored that 

so i waited a little longer and played on the pole. it wa very fun i would say im quick a pro at it. I mean dancing and sliding down.

But then i felt my bladder was going to spill so i told the teacher i need to potty!!!! I had to pee so bad it was like really bad.

the teacher said go and i ran so fast. when i say fast i mean so fast that the flash and sonic could never beat me. The sonica and flsh wanted to be me so bad that it made them wanna be in my shoes of almost peeing their pants!!

I reached the bathroom door and a teacher was there..

I was mad like really mad 

bro i was in the pre-k pod since it was the closes to the 1st grade playground. I wasnt about to go into the pre k classroom thats just rude. i have manners, most of the time.

That old lady finally came out but before i could reach that beauityllu toieelt 

My pee came out. All over my frickging school skirt

At this point i was near the teilet like super close an inch close. why did even drop like who gave you the permmissoion to realise?????

I was just thinking is this what its like when you water drops when your pregant or is this what it feels to have liqud put on your clothing.

I let the rest of the liqud on the toielt and went back to the teacher with a wet pee skirt. I put toilet paper to soak up the pee on my school skirt

smart idea ik i was a perfect A student

I ran so fast to the teacher clenching my skirt so nobody would see! i went to the teacher and whispered in her ," i peed my pants"

she looked at me and said go to the nurse. but just but 

this kid said he just had to imply he had to put some sort of speacch. Like no one asked bro like no one. why did you have to say somethign just let me get to the nurse and change you baffoon. 

He said " did you pee your pants??"

why did you ask you little boy why did you ask

i looked at him for a long time and said " no i didnt leave me alone"

I ran to the nurse and changed my skirt 

This kid still goes to my school so if you find him ask him what happend! i probably exragreated but thats okay its a way to getviewaas

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