my emo phase

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authors note: everyone goes through a emo phase so please just please dont say anything fi yu are reading this my emo phase is just so cringy i cry everynight thinking about it.

so basically in 2nd grade i thought i was actually a cute emo. like idk soft emo or what ever its called.  no cause listen this was the big problem. i was the problem. 

before you say anything that im still emo just just shush it im not gonna listen so might as well shut it. 

being an emo was hard you had to just be dark and scary sp thats what i did

i pretended i was a vampire. yes infact a  vampire. i would say i had fangs and pointed to my sharp upper teeth and said my eyes can glow. glow.

hey my favorite color was red at the time so i said i like red because it reminds me of blood. r we serious blood . yes im talking about the blood of my enemies that i eat for breakfeeast and chow them down.

i also said i drink blood. i would proceed to drink my blood 

listen here it did taste good it tasted like the good metal.

my friend said she was scared of me while the other didnt buy any of it.  party pooper. 

i would wear black stuff like an emo

and just be emo

the end im tired and im in calsss


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