the alive rapunzel doll in my house

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there might not be a ghost but a hiddious man whos stalking me but what can i do its not gonna hurt me right.. right yeah he wont. But im pretty sure this house is haunted thats why i crry so bad when i sleep alone with no nighty lighty!

There has been several times where i was so scared i made my mom stay in the room where the connected bathroom was because i was so scared for what..

If you know me i have the biggest fear or paranormal activity. But i will say i can watch it and it is very interesting. If im not on a bed or with dolls. 

im escpeecially afriad of dolls becaue of my past mistake i made to show i was brave.

yk im pretty dumb and stuff but btu i just wanted to show i was brave so i could prove to my friends im the best  there every was.

I went from playing with dolls to bashing the dolls head with the doll

it all started when i was in pre school. i went to a different school then the one i went for in kindergarten. 

I made friends with a lot of the kids there but durign play time we thought it was a good idea to have fun scaring eachother and showing our bravery. 

my old crush and his friends said,

"look into the eyes of a doll and it will become alive. You will be super brave if you do that."

ofc i wanted to show im brave so my little kid self was super dumb and said.

"i can do that and i wont be scared at all."

they didnt beilieve me so i decided i was gonna do it and prove it to them.

i got picked up and went home to my apartment or place and i deicied to go do it 

i went to my perfect doll house and got the doll.

it was a rapunzel doll i used when my cousin wanted to play with them.

yeah my favorite one is the purple one. from barbie and the rockstar. the one where it goes here i am and sometg something .

so back to the yk story i was there and yk yk i took that doll and stared at it eyes. 

when i tell you that doll smiled blinked did the unbleiveable. i almost peed my pants.

i dropped the doll ran out the room. doing laps like i was in track. i bet if i ran my midterm like that my time would be 4:29 or something.

i ran back into the room banged the dolls head on the wall to kill it. i threw it across the room. shut the door and sprinted so fast. my mom thought i was crazy

i could be crazy but that rapunzel doll moves. the next day no one even talked or cared about the sacrificed my whole life. 

i couldve been the next based on a true story.

and thust  my thy life was in sprung the turning pages of the thy fee fi fo fumm

anyways thats where my fear came of dolls. Pediophobia it looks really wrong but thats what its called. no im not scared of chucky and yes im scared of annabel or that doll thats posseseed. 

the real meaning of this story is not to bring a doll to school and show its hiddeous ugly face to me or i will scream or cry.

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