Eating dog food

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Listen i had a dog and i looked up to it so what can i say im a dog. Plrase dont spread rumors that im a big furry even  if we know its true im a entertainer and a cool kid so please my rep is pretty important for being a furry. #yourmean

When i was little my parents never really told me what to do and what not to do since my dad hung out with his own friends and my mom was always working or watching. No time for me LOL. 

I only had my dog at the time. I thought we were best friends 

Thats not what the dog thinks apparently. 

Since i thought we were besties no sisters I would grab this dog by the tail and drag it and drag it. I would bark at it eat with it drink with it. 

But there was an unhealthy addition that i got because of it.

I ate the dog food with the dog..

Listen in my opionon the dog food tasted great it tasted like those veggie sticks. They were interesting and guesss hwat they were flavored vegatibles!!

(i dont know how to spell vegitibles)

Your probably thinking my addiction wasnt bad.

Well it was i ate it after school. with the dog.

Hey i love coco shes very nice but imagine why i am so messed up and dont care about germs. Its because i shared food with a dog.

I will tell you the real reason why  this is a chapter

I remember eating the dog food without my dad and my mom knowing they hated when i ate the dog food but i found it yummy!

So while i was eating this yummy veggie dog food my dad caught me snacking on it. 

He looked at me and just stared. 

While i was wiping the crumbs off of my face and trying not to look sus. I decieded i was going to frame it on my dog. It was going to look like i was making a new recipe for her.

I proceeded to dip the dog food in the water and say " look dad i made coco a new meal" 

her water bowl was now nasty but hey im gonna be out of trouble?!! you would do it to for a change 

My dad didnt buy the lie and told me if i kept this up he would ground me from my ipad. Im not losing my ipad over eating dog food so i stopped eating it. 

Remember you can eat dog food because it can be yummy but dont do it advice!

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