Chapter 4- The Decision

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Y\N paced nervously across the living rooms beige carpet. A black acrylic nail belonging to her left thumb placed between her lips.

Luther sat in an off-white recliner, book in hand. Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica.

"Miss L\N, if you worry too much you will get sick." He commented, not lifting his eyes from the current page he was on.

Y\N turned to face him, her shoulders slouching instantly. "Sorry I am just nervous." She spoke in a low voce.

Both Y\N and Luther have been traveling quite frequently and finally got home to repose themselves but unfortunately Y\N couldn't ease her racing mind. Late nights were spent awake picturing possible scenarios she could be placed in if she picks a certain side, the early mornings were spent writing letters to outside sources for deeper information and lore.

Luther put his book down and lifted his gaze towards the distraught girl who finally took a seat on the couch across from him. He watched as she curled up in a ball, her head resting on her partially bare knees. She wore dark colored stockings that went up to the base of her knees, black shorts, and a F\C jumper.

"Miss L\N." Luther's voice was low and soothing. Her head perked up and her E\C eyes met his. "If all this anxiety is caused by the two sides and it is impossible to get out of picking a side go with your gut." He stood and walked over to her. "I will be by your side the entire time and I will give you my life."

Luther lifted his free hand, as the other held onto the piece of literature he was reading, and he places it atop her head. He smiled warmly down at her as she slowly lifted her head to stare at him.

"I don't want you to die-" Y\N began to protest but Luther had moved his hand away and placed an extended finger to his lips in a hushing manner.

"It's my job." He said before walking away, only pausing in the doorway to add on. "-And my privilege as your friend."

Y\N stared at his broad back before it disappeared down the hall. She turned her head away, back to looking down at her knees and huffed loudly. Several people are supporting and willing to help Y\N.  She was aware that the only thing holding her back from this big leap was fear.


The scent of chocolate drifted through the air as Oliver pulled the dozen cupcakes from the oven and placed them on the stove top. They were fully cooked and ready to cool down. He carefully popped each miniature cake from the tray and set it on a cooling rack. His head turned ever so slightly towards the living room as he heard the phones shrill ringtone.

Oliver quickly placed the last two cupcakes down and hurried to pick up the phone. He was pleasantly surprised to hear Y\N's voice on the other end greeting him with a nervous hum.

"Hello dear." Oliver smiled and sat down on the sofa across from him.

"Hi Oliver, um, I'm sorry if I am interrupting something." Her voice was sheepish and meek, the anxiety clear in her tone.

"Nonsense, I am just making some cupcakes for our friends." He explained cheerily.

"Oh. Are they poisoned?"

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