Chapter 4

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"you are staying with me" Jeno said for the 10th time.

"No, I cant do that, I dont want to be a burden to all of you, Also you already helped me a-lot" I started rambling, he pat my head and smiled at me. His eyes disappeared as he smiled.

He looks cute but No, He already paid for my bills.

"you are not letting her stay in Our place!" Haechan yelled. Jeno sighed and turned to face the man.

"She has nowhere else to go, hyuck, and it's only for the time being; it's not like she'll stay there forever" Jeno tried to persuade Haechan.

"No, I can handle things on my own, you've already helped me enough, Jeno" I'm too humiliated to accept his help any further because he has already helped me far too much.

"I'm not sure if Jaemin and Renjun will be happy with it" Haechan simply responded, his arms crossed and his brow arched at Jeno.

"They already said they're fine with Brie staying for a while" Jeno remarked, causing Hyuck to gasp in great shock.

"you discussed it to them without me?!" He yelled again in disbelief.

Anyway, Why does this boy keeps on yelling?

"No, they discussed it with me, and I simply agreed." Jeno smirked and Haechan let out a gasp as if he was betrayed by his very own friends. Which is true.

"I've never personally encountered so much betrayal in my life! What are they thinking?!" Haechan screamed, pulling out his phone and dialing a number.

Jeno sighed, and the other guy who came with Haechan appears to be in complete control of the situation.

"Brie, you havw no choice, okay? Don't worry, everything will be alright; Haechan won't disturb you" Jeno uttered.

"I promise, I will pay you back once I remember everything. Thank you"

I have to repay this boy, I owe him my life. Therefore, I need to remember everything as soon as possible.

He gave me a toothy grin and went back to the couch I stood up and went to the toilet

I spotted another gentleman with Haechan Jeno and the tall guy who appeared with Haechan when I went out.

"Oh!" Said the newcomer, waving at me. He gave me a huge smile "hello!! My name is Chenle, and it's nice to meet you!"

He was undoubtedly loud. But nothing could ever annoy me than Haechan.

"Come here, I brought food" he said, dragging me along and telling me to sit with them.

I was hesitant to sit, but he persuaded me to do so, and now I'm between him and Haechan.

I rolled my eyes at Haechan and took some food as he moved away from me and continued to eat.

I found the tall guy in front of me checking me out making me uncomfortable to be honest. "you have a tattoo?" he inquired, his brows furrowed and his gaze drawn to my hand.

When I spotted a tattoo on the side of my ring finger, I oh-ed, and my brows creased once more.

"Cool tattoo, may I take a closer look?" he requested, and I nodded and extended my hand to him. Before letting go of my hand, he examined it and smiled.

"You have a lot of tattoos and by the way, my name is Jisung." I examined my hand and noticed my tattoos.

I have a dragon tattoo on my ring finger, a 'fine' tattoo on my index, a cloud and lightning tattoo on my pinky, and a star tattoo on my pulse.

"I had no idea I had so many tattoos" I mumbled

"You lost your memory of course you wouldn't know, Stupid!" He grumbled, I sighed and just ignore him, continuing to eat my food.

"You have a tattoo behind your ear as well" Chenle was smiling as he points at it.

"I do?" He nod his head and gave mw a smile. " its '2/3'"

"What does that mean?" Haechan uttered and held my shoulder see the tattoo "Perhaps it's a code thing, hmm?"

"What do you mean by code thing?" I shoved him off and distanced myself with him.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's a gang code you're in?" He squinted his eyws at mw suspiciously

"Are you accusing me of being in a gang?" I grumbled, He only scoffed at me

I'm furious; is he accusing me of being a gang member?!

"You don't know, but one thing is certain. I don't trust you" He said, staring me down. I scowled at him and sat back in my chair.

"I know" I responded, pointing to the vase near my bed. " that's why you planted a secret camera before you left"

Jeno's brows scrunched, Haechan choked on his food. Jeno sighed and walked to the vase and looked for the camera. After a few seconds He pulled out a camera and threw it at Haechan. He glared at the guy while the other only shrugged his shoulder.

"We can't just trust anyone, Lee" he remarked, continuing to eat his chicken. "I was only monitoring to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid"

"What idiocy do you expect me to do?"

"Perhaps you'll flee!? Or perhaps you're a criminal?"

"fucking shithead" I curse him out and was about to walk but certain memory flashed on my head

"Fucking shitheads!"

I fumed, stepping on the gas, passing other automobiles along the way, I don't have time to be in a good mood right now.

"Horse! Answer! I'm in need of assistance, shithead!"

The abrupt memory made me scream in pain.

"Fucker" I muttered even louder, collapsing to the ground and yelping in pain.

I can see Chenle sprinting over me, Jeno asking Jisung to call the doctor, and Haechan standing motionless but staring at me.

The pain suddenly fades away, and I take a few deep breaths before standing up. Chenle assisted me in getting up and back to my bed.

"Are you alright?"

I gave him a slight sigh and a nod. And pulled myself up.

"hyung!" Chenle shouted at Haechan, Haechan could only respond "what?" I sneered and sat down on the bed.

The doctor arrived just in time to check on me and ask some questions.

"A memory just came flooding back to me"

She looks concerned " What memories do you have?"

"I was in a car, driving fast, cursing, and I kept contacting someone asking for help, that's all"

The doctor sighed and turned to face Jeno. "I believe that was a recollection before the accident, but, please do not over-trigger her. we can't push her to remember."

Jeno nodded at the doctor, who walked away. Jeno sighed and fixed his gaze on Haechan, who was chowing down on chicken.

Really? Does he have to eat his freaking chicken right now?

"hyuck, don't pick a fight with her again, you heard what the doctor said, so please"Jeno implored, as Haechan sneered.

"Don't worry about him, Brie, he just despises girls because of his stupid ex" He gave me a small smile before showing his tongue at the older. I sighed and decided to returned to sleep.


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