Chapter 26

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A month have passed, Jeno have been out of the house for days. He was assigned at the head of the Gang crimes, therefore he was busy.

"I dont know anymore." Haechan groaned and laid on the couch

"There's no use to be assigned in the Gang team, The Neo Gang disappeared a month ago!" Jaemin pulled his haie in frustration.

"Gosh! Why cant we find anything about that gang?" The two sighed and stared at the door that just opened revealing Chenle. "Sorry it took a month. It's very hard to get access of their Data"


He grinned and rubbed his palms together taking Chenle's laptop.

Yangyang L.
V Gang

TY Lee
127 Gang

D. Winwin
V Gang

Haechan raised a brow at Chenle and sighed. Giving the laptop back "what is this? Is this all?"

"This guy's real name isn't even here! Just a photo of them and which gang they are!" Jaemin yelled in frustration.

"are you joking? Because we're not" Haechan is so close on throwing hands at this boy. Chenle glared at them before taking his laptop.

"This is all I could get, They have really tight security. Especially after that Winwin guy and some other dude went in my place and threatened me."

"Fucking get out" Haechan grumbled and threw an empty bottle at him.

"Look! I did my best, it's not my fault you are all trying to get rid of ridiculously huge gang!" Chenle Stomped his way outside and the door opened revealing Jeno.

"Chenle's right, Nothing could be found aside from those three people" Jeno entered the room with three cups on coffees on his hand.

"why am I part of this department again?" Jaemin mumbled under his breath as he reach of his Coffee "Screw this mission!"

Jeno sighed and massaged his temples before his phone rang. "Officer Lee, Speaking."

"Stop trying to get in our system, you are just wasting your time." The caller hang up, Jeno groaned and threw his phone on the couch. "I want to go home"

"said the guy who insisted continue this mission" Jaemin sarcastically said

"fuck this, We have nothing to do. Neo gang disappeared, no crimes from them for a whole month." Jeno sighed and laid on the other couch

Renjun suddenly entered the room and Closed all the door. "Someone left this at home."

He handed the envelope to Haechan, the boy opened it and found a Letter

Stop. You all have to stop. Neo Gang is gone. You all need to stop.


"Who sent this?" Haechan handed the letter to Jaemin.

"I dont know, I found it outside the door. This person may know Neo Gang."

"so? It says here Neo Gang is gone! We're done here!"

"you actually belie-" Renjun was cut off when the door opened and revealed their Chief in Charge, Officer Na

my officer || JENO FFWhere stories live. Discover now