Chapter 61

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A week have passed, I sighed and stared at Jeno's room

"I'll miss this place." I mumbled. Jeno smiled and Took the box on my arm.

"Our new place will be ten minutes away from here, we can always visit" I pouted and stared at the room for the last time.

"I have wonderful memories in this room. I have beautiful and amazing memories of this place." I sighed.

I felt his hand on my waist, giving me a side hug "We can always come here"

I sighed and walked away, Eno and Tie are already downstairs with the crying Jaemin.

"Nana will miss you two, promise me that you will visit everyday hmm?" Rie smiled and wipe his tears

"Don't be sad uncle, we will see each other tomorrow." Eno rolled his eyes and Hug Jaemin

"You have to pick us up for school, So we will see each other tomorrow uncle. Dont be a cry baby" Eno whispered.

Jaemin sighed and pulled away, Renjun sighed and smack his head. "Eno's right idiot! We are taking turns remember?"

Jaemin glared at him. Jeno and I shared at look before smiling at them. We both walked down the stairs, I stood right next to Hyuck while Jeno took the twin's luggage.

"Finally, the Haechan hater family are leaving" he sarcastically said letting out a sarcastic laugh as well

I sighed and put my arm around his shoulder "I know you will miss us"

He rolled his eyes and took my arm off, I snicker and Pulled him in a hug

"I am really grateful for everything you did for the twins, especially to Rie. I just got back and I am leaving again. But I promise, We will visit everyday or you could visit us everyday"

I heard a sniff from him, "are...are you fucking crying?" I laughed when he tightened the hug

"Promise me I'll be able to come in and out of that village without a missing finger" he muttered

I chuckled and hummed in response. "Take good care of yourselves, Hyuck"

I pulled away and pouted at his face. "I never knew you were such a cry baby" I smiled while wiping his tears.

"That's enough, That sight is really making me want to leave this instant" Jeno said standing between us.

Renjun laughed and held Rie's hand walking her out of the house. I grinned and gave Jaemin a hug

"I'll see you tomorrow, Nana"

He sighed and Ruffled my hair "no more mama duties for me. You're there now, if ever Rie confuse you with something call me. I know her like the back of my palm"

"Thank you" I whispered. He smiked at me and Carried Eno to the car.

Jeno, Hyuck and I followed from behind.

Renjun buckled Rie up and Close her door after giving her a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and walked towards me "It's a shame that you have to leave, I was wishing to spend more time with you."

I laughed and pulled him in a hug "I have many free time now, I can drive the kids to school hang out with you the whole day"

He laughed and peck my head "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, RJ"

He pulled away and Escort me to the car. He opened the door and Let me enter. "I'll visit your place anytime I want, okay?"

I chuckled and gave him a nod. He smiled and closed the door. I looked at the back seat and sighed when Rie was tearing up.

"Baby" she looked at me and pouted

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