Chapter 1: Ben left...

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I was awoken by the knock on my door, I rolled over to an empty bed. Surprisingly Ben wasn't there. I picked up my dressing gown from the back of my door wrapping it round me as I ran down the stairs, nearly knocking the pictures off the walls and tripping over Tommy (the dog)'s squeaky bone. I opened the door to a woman holding a rather large bunch of flowers, the strong smell hitting me hard as I fully opened the door. "For a Miss Park?" The lady said politely, her long black frizzy hair blowing in the wind, "That's me!" I replied rather excited as to whom would send such lovely, most probably expensive flowers to me.

I gently took the flowers off her, my hands shaking, either because I was cold or nervous, I couldn't quite tell. I opened the card that had came with the flowers and it read 'My dearest Molly, we have spent 3 years together, holding one another close each night, I know we've been through so much together but now it's time our journey came to an end. I'm sorry for hurting you but our relationship has changed, nothing is the same anymore. I love you with all my heart and always will. All the best for the future, your loving ex fiancé Ben xx'.

"What?!" I cried "how could he do this to me? What did I ever do wrong?" I hadn't been feeling well for days and Ben knew that, it was just a sickness bug, could that be the reason he left me?! I hadn't done anything wrong in particular I just hadn't felt myself, I couldn't sleep, I was being sick and I was always hungry. But I still couldn't understand why he would do this! He had asked me to marry him just a few months ago.. (6 to be exact) I knew we'd been engaged for a long time but we were happy, or at least I thought we were.

I didn't know what to do, I needed to talk to someone so I decided to call my mum. The phone rang and rang, she was always so bad at answering the phone. "Hello?" I heard a sleepy voice say, I looked at the clock realizing it was actually only 8:00am. "Mum, sorry to wake you I didn't realize the time, I really need to talk!"
"No it's fine don't worry, needed to be up soon any how, tell you what how about you come round in about half an hour, I'll make us some breakfast?"
"Sounds good mum, thanks. Love you!"
I hung up. How was I meant to explain this to my mum, I didn't really know what I was to explain, I didn't really know why he had left or if I'd ever see him again. "His stuff" I said aloud not really knowing why. I quickly ran upstairs checking the wardrobe and draws, about half his stuff had gone and half was still there.
I picked up the first thing out of my side of the wardrobe I could find throwing it on. I grabbed my shoes and socks throwing them down the stairs as I passed, almost hitting Tommy, "sorry Tomsss!!" I shouted, yeah talking to a dog, I really was sad! I walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, I looked a mess, my long blonde hair all frizzy sticking up everywhere, my makeup from the night before when me and Tom went clubbing dripped down my face.
I brushed my teeth splashing my face with water afterwards, I grabbed my hair brush putting my hair into a scruffy bun, learning I didn't have a hair bobble near by I used one of the loom bands my cousin made me. 'That'll do' I thought. I hurried downstairs filling Tommy's water bowl up and putting some biscuits in his bowl, I put my shoes on and jumped into the car heading for my mums. I knocked on the door when mum shouted for me to just walk in, I did so shutting the door behind me, I walked into the kitchen not paying attention to anything else. "Would you like a cuppa mum?" I shouted. I looked up to find Ben stood in front of me. Why was he at my mums?! They didn't even get along!

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