Chapter 4: Coping without him.

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It's been two days since Ben left. I spoke to my mum just after he left and explained everything, she offered to come round but I just wanted to be alone.

I haven't been out of the house or even out of my bed. I looked to at my phone on charge next to me. 2 texts 3 voicemails and 17 missed calls. I read the texts.

"I don't know what to say Molly, I was stupid and I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart. I've rang you 10 times and so I'm guessing you're ignoring me. Please call me when you get this, we should talk. I love you xxx"

"Hello Mol, It's mum. I understand you're struggling babe but you need to talk, to someone if not him. Just call me, let me know you are okay!"

3 voicemails were from Ben, but I wasn't going to listen to them.

All missed calls were also from Ben.

I decided to get out of bed. I jumped up and got into the shower, after a quick wash I put my hair up, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I realised it was best to call my mum and let her know I was okay.


"Hello mum its me Molly, before you say anything I just want to say I'm sorry"

"Mol don't worry, just glad you're okay. You are okay right?"

"Mum, I'm fine, Ben is a selfish idiot. After Matt telling me about Ben "surprising" me by taking me to Australia, I decided I'm going to take myself there. I j..."

Mum interrupted before I had time to finish "Take Chloe, it could be a girly holiday for you both, you could go and see One direction and travel for a bit whilst you're there. Infact, i'll even pay, you need this Mol, you deserve it."

"You don't have to do that mum, really" I replied quite shocked at her letting me travel across the world without her.

"Call Chloe, tell her to pack her bags, and you'll pick her up in an hour, then head here and we will book some flights, I love you Mol"

"I love you too Mum, thank you"

After that, I rang Chloe explaining what had happened; she agreed it was a great idea and something I needed to do. I ran upstairs and threw all clothes hanging up onto the bed, trying to decide what to take was hard, I mean, we don't even know how long we're staying for. The more I thought about it, the more insane I thought it was. We couldn't go through with this, surely. 

I just continued packing, until I look around my room to see pretty much no clothes left, if I'm going to travel all that way, it has to be worth it. I packed food for Tommy in a separate bag, and lugged everything out to my car. After 20 minutes of running back and fourth from the house to my car, making sure I had everything I needed and I had turned everything off; I looked at mine and Ben's home, realising I really did deserve a break. It's been a hard couple of years. And this just topped it off. 

After being lost in my own thoughts for what seemed like an eternity but was merely seconds, I back out of the driveway, looking at my home one last time. I decided that it was only fair to allow Ben to have Tommy if I was going to be gone a while. Ben hurt me, but I was never one to hold grudges, life goes on. 

I drove for about 25 minutes before reaching Ben's childhood home, knowing this would be where he was I took tommy out of the car, keeping him on his lead. Grabbing the back from the passenger footwell I approached the front door. Only for it to be answered by the one and only Sophie King. My childhood best friend... that was until things turned nasty.

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