[chapter 11]

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Hope is the thing with feathers.

At least that's what Emily Dickinson said. Hope was a rare occurrence for June and somehow in all the darkness that had followed her for the last fourteen years here was a spark, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe she'd be able to ignite into a roaring flame.

The idea of trusting this group of people however was scary. Not because June believed they were bad people but because the last time she'd fully trusted someone they'd stabbed her in the back and ran away with every last speck of belief in humanity.

As she sat in the kitchen she rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands desperately trying to figure out what she should do in this odd predicament she'd fallen into. She'd wanted nothing more in life than to have people to trust and love her but were these those people? She didn't know and that sense of the unknown made her uneasy.

"Hey kiddo you okay?" Steve asked, walking back into the room and looking at the girl who had her head in her hands, her leg bounced anxiously

"Oh yeah I'm just thinking" June said, slightly startled by the sudden voice, breaking her from her train of thought. Steve nodded understandingly and  walked over to the counter opposite her.

"I know we can't keep you prisoner here but for your own safety I think it's important you stay" he said quietly, "I don't understand how you have traces of the serum in your blood but I'd love to understand more if you'd let us"

June looked up at him, she could sense that he was being sincere, maybe I'll regret this she thought,
"Okay" she said, nodding slowly, hesitant to bestow herself onto anyone.

Steve smiled warmly, "great I'll let the others know" he patted her on the head and walked out of the room, leaving June alone to stew over the decision she'd made, she supposed if it was terrible she could un make it and sneak out back into the woodland.

Shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath she got up from the kitchen island and wandered out of the room into the hall.

The sun had long since set over New York, June lay sprawled out on the floor flicking through channels on the Tv before settling on some crappy reality show with way too much excitement and high pitched, winey voices.

A knock came from the door way, June lazily lifted her head to see Natasha standing there. "So I hear you're staying" she said a grin on her face

"Yeah well I'm not gonna say no to free shit" June muttered back, laying her head back down on the floor.

"Well Tony's made dinner so come and eat, you could do with a bit more food in you, you're the size of a twig"

"Okay, sure I'll be right there"

June felt a bit strange about eating with everyone for the first time, it felt as though she was invading a strangers house, she'd always hated being the new kid it was like having an exposed nerve and walking straight into a fire.

Cursing quietly to herself she stood up and headed out down the corridor, left, right, left again and then downstairs until finally she'd gotten to the kitchen where people were chatting loudly and eating something that looked like noodles maybe.

The team slowly noticed the girl standing in the doorway and invited her into the room with a warm friendliness. Natasha patted a spare spot on the sofa next to her and June quickly took up the offer, sitting down and pulling her legs up so they were crossed, that way she felt safer, less exposed.

"So how's it having a safe place to stay?" Clint asked, his mouth still slightly full of noodles

"Still working out if it's safe" June said quietly but with a steely firmness that tainted the words slightly. At this comment Tony scoffed,

"Please, I have the most intelligent security systems on the planet" he bragged with a sense of pride in himself

"Yeah it's not the outside I'm worried about" june laughed nervously

The group went a bit quiet at this comment but soon brushed it off and went back to talking amongst themselves.

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, and that this chapter is so short, I've been on holiday and busy with uni so I haven't had time to write! A new much longer chapter will be out soon :)

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