[chapter 13]

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The cold floor felt nicely familiar under Junes body.

She lay down, her chest rising and falling dramatically as she allowed her body to rest for a moment.

Clint and Natasha exchanged looks, slightly confused at what had just happened, the unpredictability of this new person living under their roof put Nat on edge and Clint could tell that something was up with her.

"Hey, uhh kid you stay here, we're going to get some water" Clint said and received a breathless mumble as a response which he took as an "okay"

He grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her along with him down the corridor. "Clint, what are you doing? We can't leave her alone, we literally just caught her"

"Yeah she's not going anywhere, it's fine Nat. I wanted to ask if you're ok? You seem on edge"

"I'm fine" Nat quickly dismissed, pushing down the uneasy feeling that had bubbled up into her stomach.

"Tasha" Clint said firmly

"Clint" she replied with a raise of her eyebrows,
"I'm fine, god you're such a dad"

"Uh, yeah well that's my job most of the time" he said with a smile.

June lay still on the floor, sweat trickled down her body onto the floor and mixed with the blood that had dripped off her knuckles.

They were starting to sting a little now and June silently cursed herself for not putting gloves on or wrapping her hands before beating the shit out of an old leather bag.

After all the excitement of the day June could feel her eyes getting heavy and so she allowed herself a little hesitantly to dip into a light sleep.

Suddenly she was woken by a sharp stinging sensation and she flung her body away from the figure standing over her. Glancing at where the stinging had come from she now saw a needle sticking out from her arm, most of whatever the contents were had been injected but June still pulled it out quickly, a dribble of blood springing out of the injection site and sliding down her skin.

Glancing back up again a cleanly shaven man stood over her, he had a strong build and clearly worked out.
June tried to lift her head but failed, trying again to move her body away from the man she panicked as she realised that she was completely paralysed.

The man's lips contorted into a smile and without warning he lunged forwards and grabbed Junes helpless body and flung her over his shoulder as if she were a rag doll.

June was screaming internally, wishing with all her strength that Clint and Nat would come back right this second and kick the ever living shit out of the dickwad who was holding her.

As he ran through the compound Junes head and limbs smacked on walls as the man flung himself around corners trying to escape.

Suddenly Junipers body fell to the ground. Blood began to seep from her nose but to her relief she could hear thumps and groans as the man began to fight someone.

The air that June could taste was now ripe with the smell of iron mingling with the strange warm spices that were coming from the kitchen. It was an odd mix of smells.

Junes ears rang, a high pitched wine distorting everything around her, before suddenly someone was dragging her along by her feet.
Whoever it was dragging her promptly fell on top, his face looking directly at hers and a small smile echoed around his features.

"Thank you for your cooperation" he said with a wink.

Then in the next second two things happened almost simultaneously. The man who's rank breath suffocated Junes face, stabbed her with some sharp object in the hip, and then a small bullet exited his head landing just inches away from June and his blood splattered all over her.

Life flickered out of his eyes and the gloating expression was now etched onto his body for eternity. He'd be buried while literally having the last laugh.

His body now lay heavily on hers, compressing her lungs, due to the drug he'd injected previously however she couldn't shove him off, so instead she lay there rather pathetically, tears making small streaks down her bloodstained cheeks.

Suddenly the world seemed to speed up again. Natasha and Clint shoved the dead man's body off of Junes. Nat unloaded another bullet right into the man's penis "fuck you" she spat at him before holstering her gun.

"Can you walk?" Clint asked

"No" June replied, quietly "I can't feel my legs"

She felt ashamed, embarrassed that she couldn't defend herself in-front of these two incredibly talented assassins. An anger began to bubble under the surface of her skin, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" June half yelled half cried slamming her fist into the man's lifeless body. Her life had very abruptly gone from being a chore to being a living nightmare. 

Natasha looped her arm around Juniper pulling her body upright with a surprisingly small amount of effort. She flinched at the contact, a notion which didn't go unnoticed by Nat, "come on, let's go find Banner".


Woah I have returned, mad :O
Sorry for the mad long break I had no inspiration and was busy being a depressed lump :)

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