80's prom

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Tonight was the night, you'd been waiting for weeks for this night. Your mind raced as you slipped into your outfit that you had picked out. Of course f/n made you take her, after hearing you had gotten a date she decided it would be her time to shine.

Walking over to the bathroom mirror you took a second to fix your hair, at least that's what you told yourself. In the back of your mind you were aware you were just stalling due to nerves.

Taking one last breath you walked downstairs, grabbing your bag/purse/wallet and waiting by the door. Your heart raced as you waited for the sign, you expected a honk or maybe a shout, but instead what met you was three sharp knocks on the door.

You opened it, willing yourself to stop shaking as you did so. You opened the door to your date, Michael stood there, his hair slightly gelled back. A dark blue suit complementing his eyes as the gold tie added a pop of color.

He spoke up first, his British accent shining through, "Hey," he said, pausing to carefully pick his words, he glanced at your outfit, trying to find a compliment, "you look...ethereal." He said, almost cringing at his own words. You took a second, flattered but almost laughing at his choice of big words, "Thanks, Mike." You said. "You look just as good as always." You said, giving him a soft smile.

You both awkwardly glanced around, unsure of what to say next. He cleared his throat, glancing down at his watch and nodding towards the car behind him. "We'd better get moving." He said, offering a smile. You nodded, realizing it was getting a bit late.

Micheal had borrowed his fathers car, he had recently gotten his full license and of course he was the one that his friends would go to if they needed a drive, well, whenever he was allowed to use his fathers car. You were aware they didn't have the best relationship, although he had never gone into details.

You hopped into the car, placing your bag/purse/wallet on your lap as you glanced out the window, listening to the rock playing on low volume through the radio.


About fifteen minutes later you arrived at the school, the music could be heard from even outside, there was a few groups of people talking outside, others were heading inside the building.

The two of you popped out of the car, you watched as he walked over to meet you. He paused, softly reaching out for your free hand. Honestly you were mildly surprised, you were usually the one to make the first move. You decided to go with it as you didn't mind at all.

The both of you walked into the building, reaching the gym and attempting to find an empty spot.
"Oh," you started, tugging at his hand as you lead him towards two empty chairs, "over here." You said, quite loudly to be able to be heard over the loud music.

The two of you sat down, an awkward silence coming over you both. You noticed Michael glancing over at you, although quickly looking away once he realized you noticed. "I'll go grab us drinks." He said, standing up, "Anything you want?" He asked. You hummed, taking a second to respond, "Maybe just some punch." You said, giving him a smile. He nodded, making his way through the crowds and disappearing from your vision.

He came back shortly after, carrying two cups of the same drink. He handed you one before carefully sitting down. "Thanks." You said, taking a sip. He nodded, "No problem, Love." He said.
You almost spat out your punch, it's not like you didn't mind the pet name, it just surprised you.

He seemed to surprise himself quite honestly, you noticed his facial expression seemed to be unsure.

You got distracted once you realized f/n was being an idiot, chugging her punch while her girlfriend rolled her eyes. You let out a snort as you watched her spill punch on her dress, the noise caught Michaels attention, he glanced at you before looking at f/n, he also let out a soft laugh. You both watched as f/n's girlfriend walked away to grab napkins for her. You honestly weren't sure how her girlfriend could keep up with her.

"Well, that's f/n for you." You muttered to Michael, he laughed, "You two are definitely alike." He said, you glanced towards him, frowning in a teasing manner, "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked. He chuckled again, "don't worry about it." He said. You gently slapped his arm, "You dick." You said, pretending to be mad, although it didn't last for long as you couldn't help but crack a smile. He rolled his eyes, "I'm just messing with you," he said, taking a second before adding, "love."


You two talked for hours without realizing that more then half the school had left, the occasional couple was scattered on the floor as well a few friend groups.

A song you heard earlier on the radio while you were both driving there came on, you took a moment to realize what it was. You were pretty sure it was called "Hallucination." Michael suddenly stood up, you noticed his cheeks were dusted with pink.
"May I, uh, have this dance." He said. You smiled and nodded, "Yes you may." You said, swiftly standing up before grabbing his hand and making your way to the floor.

Before you knew it you were both slow dancing to "take my breath away."

Everything in that moment was...,you racked your mind for a word before remembering Michaels comment from earlier. Everything in that moment was ethereal.

You reopened your eyes as you felt his forehead lean against yours, his gorgeous blue eyes shutting.

He spoke up, his voice soft and slightly husky, "Y/n?"

"Yeah, what's up, Mike?" You responded back in a slight mutter.

"I'd love it if you'd join me this Saturday."

You paused, realizing that he was asking you out. This was your chance to say yes, you'd wanted to go out with him for the longest time. You suddenly realized how long you were taking after glancing at his worried expression.

"I'd love to." You responded. Your heart melted once you saw his wide grin.

"Y/n?" He asked once again, this time his voice was a lot more excited, you let out a soft laugh, "Yes, Mike?"

"Can I kiss you?"



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