Second Fate: Five

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I stood in the bathroom stall with my dick in Jackson's mouth trying to figure out how things had escalated so quickly again.

Of course, I couldn't concentrate as wave after wave of pure pleasure drove me into a state of euphoria.

His beautiful brown eyes stared up at me with expectation whilst I was doing my absolute best to not come in his mouth within seconds.

After a very quick lunch, we ended up making out under the emergency stairwell.

I couldn't get enough of him, his lips, his warm breath on my skin. He caught me completely off guard when he pushed his hand into my pants and cupped my dick.

"I want to taste it," he whispered into my ear before biting on my earlobe.

My hormones were incapable of telling him "no". He was in charge, he always had been. I let him because he was every gay boy's wildest dream and I didn't want to miss the opportunity of a life time.

Jackson grabbed my hand again and brought me to the "far bathroom", the one where hardly anyone went.

The moment the stall door's lock slid into place, he started to fumble with the button of my pants. He was definitely determined but clearly also nervous. Was he pretending to know what he was doing?

My dick popped out of my underwear and I chuckled nervously seconds before he gagged down on all seven and a half inches.

Holy fucking shit! This was surreal, amazing and fuuuuck!

When I tried to push him away, Jackson stopped for a moment, his chin wet with... 

"Dude, just relax," he breathed, his pupils dilated with excitement.

He kept going until holding back had become impossible, so I just let it happen.

"And...?" he asked, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his red sweater.

I was too mind-fucked to say anything so I pulled him up and kissed him instead.

He tasted salty.

When the school bell rang, I felt intensely guilty for not having reciprocated.

"I need to go," he said. We had a permanent time deficit, although we wasted none of what we had.


I rushed out of my last class in the hopes of seeing Jackson before he got on his bike but he was already gone.

I knew it wasn't his fault, he would get into a lot of trouble if he couldn't be home on time.

But... Fuck!

I was hooked, completely enthralled, unable to think about anything but those eyes looking up at me.

Images flashed through my mind on the whole bus ride back. I had to put my schoolbag on my lap to cover my persistent hardon.

When I got off at my stop, I was shocked to find Jackson waiting for me on his bike.

"My mom thinks that I'm at Trevor's for a homework assignment. I just had to see you," he said, matter-of-factly.

"I can't get you out of my head," I confessed.

"Let's go for a ride," he said, handing me the helmet.


I lay with my head in Jackson's lap, as he idly stroked my hair. The tiny park was empty, we had it all to ourselves.

"I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember," he said, looking down at me.

"Dude, your memory must be really shitty because you've been at our school for less than a year," I said, trying to recall exactly when I first noticed him.

"Actually, we've always gone to the same school but things... changed. When Sam took away my illness, the reality engine was forced to make a new existence with me still in it."

"Jackson, you are really starting to creep me out with this crazy shit!" I said, sitting upright. "And who the fuck is Sam?"

"He told me that you wouldn't believe me without proof, so Death let me keep this," Jackson said, pulling out his phone.

He tapped an app with a lock icon and typed in a four digit PIN. What came next couldn't possibly be real.

Eight pictures showed Jackson's progressive facial deformation. There were others of his hands and feet that almost made me want to look away.

"Why would you fake pictures of yourself like this?" I breathed. This was far more than a twisted game.

"My illness got slowly worse until I didn't even want to go to school anymore," Jackson said calmly.

I looked him in the eye but there was no hint of trying to keep a straight face.

"You tried so many times to be my friend but I kept pushing you away."

"This never happened. You're a transfer student."

He showed me another set of pictures which made me gasp with fright. Jackson was frowning at the arm I had wrapped around his shoulder as I smiled for the camera. How was I there?

"I hated you for treating me like I was 'normal' but you never gave up," Jackson said, staring out over the lake. "When my lungs started to fail, you were always by my side in the hospital."

He showed me a picture of him in a bed with a giant stuffed bear.

"You bought Mr. MegaTeddy with the last of your savings. You had already spent the rest on fulfilling a bucket list you made for me," Jackson said, a tear sliding down his cheek.

He believed his own story and had supposed proof. But how could it be real? How could I not remem...?

My hand suddenly felt ice cold, as if someone had grabbed it. Fragments of memory flooded my mind at incredible speed.

It seemed impossible but everything Jackson had told me was... true! But how? He was here, alive and untouched by illness.

"Sam told me that the ripple he caused eventually straightens out, to restore balance to the grand design," Jackson whispered. "I don't know how quickly it will catch up but I will do everything I can to prove I'm worthy of you."

He opened his phone one more time. In a video of me in another reality, I said, "Jackson Holmes, thank you for making me fight to be your friend. I'll never forget you."

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