The Blue Book: Two

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How much I hated change and how quickly I got used to it! My usual spot was free again, so why was I now disappointed

The moment I sat down, my phone rang. Tess. What the fuck did she want so early in the morning?

"Hey," I answered, despite my severely under-caffeinated brain's protests.

"Morning!" Tess sounded unusually chipper. Did she get laid?

"Can I call you back?"

"Philip, I had an epiphany! I want you to redesign the logo into the shape of angel wings! The colors will also have to change..."

I tried to take a sip of my coffee but the lid came off, spilling hot brew into my lap. I muted the call and screamed at the table, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Philip? Are you still there? We really need to discuss the changes, can we schedule a call?"

Something clicked in my head and I did the unthinkable.

"Tess, I'm done! I'll find you a replacement and email the details." I hung up the phone before she could say another word.

"How did that feel?" He was sitting across from me again, yet I hadn't even seen him come in.

"What do you want from me?" I demanded. The coffee stain in my pants was slowly getting cold.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he said mysteriously.

"Then with all due respect, please fuck off!" I was on a roll today.

"What will you do with your newfound freedom?" he asked, utterly unfazed.

I considered physically pushing him away but didn't want to cause a scene at Ginny's.

"How about joining me for a walk?" he said, cheerfully. I was about to start screaming when I took a moment to assess my situation.

There was a smoking hot guy, at least a decade younger than me, vying for my attention. I was the one who started eye-fucking him from the very first moment, so why was I resisting him so much?

A quick scan of my troubled mind came up with no plausible answer. Why the fuck not? What was the worst that could happen? That he proved to be a serial killer?

I walked out of Ginny's feeling infinitely lighter. I didn't know where this was going to take me but it was one hell of a rush!


The park was still beautiful this time of year. The ground was full of leaves and I could see my own breath.

My companion hadn't said a word since leaving the coffee place, which had given me significant time to think.

I would have to take a new client latest by the end of the month. I had plenty of savings but they were for a rainy day, so I didn't want to eat into them too much.

"What do you like to do for fun?" he asked, out of the blue.

"This walk is nice," I said, not wanting to think anymore.

He looked at me in surprise. "You are enjoying the moment? That's unusually fast!"

"Excuse me?"

"Sam," he said, holding out his hand.

"Philip," I returned the gesture automatically.

"You aren't from the City?" I asked.

"What gave me away?" he said, staring at his shoes. He offered no further explanation.

"So what brings you here, then?" I tried again.

"A bucket list," he whispered.

"Holy shit!" I said with a gasp. Flashes of how mean I had been, zipped through my head.

"It's a brain tumor," he said, looking at me carefully. I didn't know what to say or do.

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