882 31 4

2 years ago

Heeseung giggled as he played in the dirt, flinging dirt everywhere. "Hey!" Heeseung looked up, there was a small boy with a frown on his chubby face. "You flung dirt everywhere! Including on me" He huffed. Heeseung shrugged. "Your fault for being next to me while i play, plus, its just a little bit of dirt, doesn't hurt anybody" Heeseung said. The boy rolled his eyes. "Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me!" Heeseung said. "I'm older than you!" "How old are you then?" "I'm 7 years old" Heeseung said, holding up 7 fingers. "Oh" The boy looked down, and then back up at the boy with tears in his eyes. "Sorry for being mean and flinging dirt at you hyung.." Heeseung's eyes widened, running up to the boy. "No, its my fault for flinging dirt everywhere, sorry! Lets be friends?" Heeseung held his hand out to the boy, pulling him up from the ground. "Sure! I'm Jay!" Jay smiled. "I'm Heeseung!" "Wanna play in the sandbox Heeseung hyung?" Jay asked politely. "Sure! Let's go" Heeseung grinned proudly.

"I never got your age" Heeseung said. "I'm 6 years old" Jay said, playing around with his toy dinosaur. "Cool! You wanna be best friends?" Jay looked up at Heeseung with a small glare. "We only just met, so technically were still strangers, so no, not until I know you more" Jay said. Heeseung frowned. "We already know each others names and age, I don't see why not becoming best friends" Jay shook his head. "We should hang out more first, let me go get my auntie, you should go get your mommy" Heeseung nodded and ran over to his mother.

"Mommy, I made a new friend and want to introduce you to his auntie" Heeseung pulled on his sleeping mom, he frowned as she didn't wake up, so he went to his older brother instead. "Heli!" The 9 year old turned around at his little brother's shout. "Yeah?" "Come meet my new friend's  auntie, mommys not waking up" Heeseung said. He watched as his older brother's eyes widened. "What do you mean shes not waking up?!" Heeseung saw as Heli pushed him out the way and ran over to his mom, shaking her, trying to wake her up. "Heeseung hyung!" Heeseung turned around. "Yeah?" "Wheres your mommy? My auntie wants to meet her!" Heeseung pointed over where his brother was shaking her. "Why aren't you helping him!" Heeseung tilted his head. "What do you mean??" "Your mommy passed out"

Heeseung sobbed in his brothers arm. "I''m such a horrible child! I didn't know I thought she was sleeping!!" Heli rubbed his younger brother's back. "Its not really your fault, you don't know much about these things and your still little, literally, your in 1st grade" Heli giggled. Heeseung sniffled, peeking at Jay who was playing with his dinosaur. Jay's auntie, Mrs.Ahn, had called the ambulance, her driving them all to the hostpital. Jay looked at Heeseung, who quickly moved his head away from embarassment. "Papa gets off of work in a few hours, he'll pick us up" Heli said. Heeseung nodded. His dad worked over time to help with the family and their needs. "Did they call papa?" Heeseung asked. Heli nodded. "You two should come back with us, i already have your dad's contact, I'll tell him that your with us" Mrs.Ahn said. Heeseung nodded, looking at Heli for approval. Heli nodded and stood up, Heeseung holding his hand.

"How old are you two?" "7" "9" "Oh, Jay is 6 years old, his father had business to take care of in australia, and couldn't take Jay so he had asked me to take care of him for a while" Heeseung looked at Jay who was asleep in his car seat. Heeseung saw as his cheeks puffed in and out, him giggling at it. Jumping when Jay's eyes opened, but he didn't move. "Hes sleeping with his eyes open" Heeseung said, a bit panicked. "Ah, he does that a lot, he should grow out of it soon" Mrs.Ahn said. Heeseung just looked at Jay, slowly drifting away.

"This is Mr.Corn, my favorite stuffed animal!" Jay held up a stuffed corn, showing Heeseung who just glanced at it and went back to playing with Jay's cars. "Why aren't you speaking?" Jay said. "Because, I don't like stuffed animals, or care for them" Heeseung said. Jay just put his stuffed animals down, walking to his bed and pulling the covers over his head. Heeseung looked over, feeling a bit bad. He got up and went to the bed. "Jay..." He poked the covers. Heeseung climbed in and under the covers, hugging Jay as Jay cried. "Why don't you care for them?" Jay asked. "I didn't mean it like that, of course I liked stuffed animals, but I just never had one, my parents never bought me one before, only cars and blankets" Heeseung said. Jay sat up, making Heeseung let go and sit up too. Jay got out of the bed and went to his closet, which was surprisingly huge for a six year old. "Here, have mine!" Heeseung saw as Jay shoved Mr.Corn in his face. "But its your favorite" Heeseung said, hugging the corn close to him. "I've had it since I was 2, I have to let go of it someday" Jay said, acting like he didn't just cry over stuffed animals. "Are you sure Jay?" "Yes I am hyung!" Jay said confidently. Heeseung smiled. "Thank you Jay!"

"Come down stairs for lunch kids!" Heeseung and Jay raced down the stairs, seeing grilled cheese sandwiches. "Yummy!" Heseung said as he took a bite. "Glad you like it, I always fix it for Jay" Mrs.Ahn said. Heli was sitting in front of Heeseung, looking at the stuffed animal he had in his arms. "Heeseung, put the plush don when eatting, you don't want to get it dirty do you?" Heeseung looked at the corn before nodding and placing it down betweeen him and Jay.

"You know Heeseung hyung? Lets be best friends"

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