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a year later,

april 20th

"Jay, try some" Heeseung shoved the pizza into the 9 year olds face. Jay eyed the pizza before taking a bite of it, munching, then stopping, munching, and then stopping. Jay smiled, making Heeseung smile. "It tastes good Heeseung!" "Its my favorite pizza" Heeseung said. "Then its my favorite too!" Heeseung giggled and patted the younger's head. "You like anything I like, I like ramyun, you like ramyun, I like corn, you like corn, now its pizza!" Heeseung smiled, grabbing another slice from the box. "Yes, because its good!" Jay said. Heeseung nodded. "Can you cut the cake Heeseung?" The two had agrred once Jay had turned the same age as Heeseung, Jay could drop the formality. "Sure" Heeseung grabbed the cake cutter and cute in the middle of it, gasping once seeing the inside. "Jay, did you have this put in the decorations?!" Heeseung said, looking at his name on one side of the cake and Jay's on the other side. "Yup! I'm very greatful for meeting you Heeseung, I wish nothing to come up for us to part ways, and I wish to always be by your side" Jay said with a bit smile. Heeseung hugged Jay, Jay's head being shoved into his chest as Heeseung recently had a growth spurt. "Thank you Jay! I wish to always be by your side too!" Heeseung felt a weird feeling go through his stomach, Heeseung pushed it aside, not wanting to be sick on his best friends birthday.

May 23rd

"Your so annoying Heeseung!" Seonhee pushed him against the wall. "I didn't do anything!" Heeseung exclaimed. "Yeah!? Well i heard Jays moving! Its probably because of you!" Heeseung frowned. "No hes not!" Heeseung pushed her off of him and walked out the door, seeing Jay on the swings, smiling and running up to him. "Hi Jay!" "Heeseung! Hi!" Jay ran up to Heeseung and jumped into his arms, making Heeseung stumble back. "Heeseung, did you know that the average human body carries more bacteria cells than human cells?" Heeseung blinked at the new information. "No, actually, I didn't, where'd you learn this?" "School, duh" Jay said, hopping down from Heeseung and grabbing his bag. "I got two juices, you want one?" Heeseung nodded, Jay throwing him one. "Lets go to your house Jay"


August 22nd

Heeseung cried, his whole body hurt from his father beating him. He still had bruises from the other day when Seonhee had pushed him and kicked him a few times. "What did I do to deserve this??" Heeseung cried out. "Heeseung?" Heeseung wiped his eyes and turned around, smiling at his favorite person, Jay. "Stop fake smiling, I heard you crying earlier, in fact, i saw your dad beating you, why don't you report him?" Jay asked. Heeseung stopped for a moment. "Because, I don't wanna go to an ophanage, and I don't wanna leave you"

September 19th

"NO!" Heeseung yelled as his father locked him into the closet, again. He hated the dark, he was terrified. He started banging on the door "Let me out! Please!" He started crying, sliding onto the floor and sobbing. "Heeseung?" A whisper was heard. "J-jay?" Heeseung said. "Heeseung, I can't get you out, the doors locked" "I-its fine, y-you don't have to, plus, it would be embarrasing if you saw me right now" Heeseung said softly. "I don't care how you look right now, I need to get you out- I gotta go, I promise to come back tomorrow" Once Heeseung was sure Jay was gone, he started back in tears.

October 1st

"Were coming to get you in  three years, so be prepared" Thats the last thing Jay heard from his mother as the screen went blank. He frowned, then turning to Heeseung who was laying on the floor, earbuds plugged in and playing a game, more likely minecraft as it was Heeseung's favorite game. "Is there something wrong?" Heeseung asked, feeling Jay's eyes on him. "Nope, nothing Heeseung, just want to play plushies with you" Jay said, putting his tablet down and taking baby corn out from his bin. Heeseung smiled, shutting his own tablet off and pulling Mr.Corn from his backpack. "Then lets play"

October 15th

Heeseung opened Heli's bedroom door. "Hy-" "What do you want? I'm busy" Heeseung saw Heli writing things down. "I'm 10 years old now!" Heeseung smiled. Heli looked at him. "Oh, aren't you 7 still?" Heeseung's smile dropped. "No, I'm 10, todays my birthday" "Cool, now shoo, im busy" Heeseung sighed and shut the door, going to his father. "Papa i-" "Go away would you?" Heeseung just walked away, not wanting to get yelled at. Heeseung shut his bedroom door, whining as he didn't get the attention he wanted. "Boo!" Heeseung gasped as he sat up, seeing Jay on top of him. "Happy birthday hyung!" Heeseung smiled, knowing Jay was always there for him. "Thanks Jay!" Heeseung hugged him. "I got you something" Jay said, pulling a bag out from behind him. Heeseung looked at Jay. "Really? Because I did too!" Heeseung got up from his bed, pulling his own bag out. "Wanna open it together?"Heeseung nodded, exchanging the gifts with him. " 1, 2, 3!" The two gasped, pulling out the same Super Junior album. They both giggled and locked eyes. The same weird feeling went through Heeseung's body. He felt it everyday, or at least when hes with Jay. "Heeseung, are you okay?" Heeseung nodded. "Yeah, sorry, I feel weird"  "Same!" They both giggled.

November 3rd

Heeseung was sure Jay knew how messed up his life was, but he didn't know the full thing. He didn't know his dad had poisoned his mom. He didn't know Heeseung cried every night about how messed up his life was. He did not, he REALLY did not know how much Heeseung wanted to end his life. But Heeseung didn't do or say anything for Jay's sake. Although Heeseung suffered, he made sure to be happy and joyful for Jay, trying to keep him out of trouble. Heeseung wanted to protect the younger forever.

November 7th

"And then he-he told me to get out" Heeseung hiccuped as he was crying in Jay's arms. "You should stay at my place for the night" Jay said, running his chubby fingers through Heeseung's hair. It was obvious that Jay had gained some weight, him blaming it on his aunt's fabulous cooking. Heeseung shrugged it off, saying he didn't care how Jay looked like. "I wish I could stay here forever..." Heeseung mumbled, really  just wanting to stay in the younger's embrace. "Lets just go for a night, 'kay hyung?" Jay giggled. "Okayy"

December 1st

"I swear it wasn't me, it was Heli!" Heeseung cried as he was pushed up against the wall. "Heli's more well-mannered than you, brat. Ann plus, why would he take my weed?! Now you, you are a trouble maker, and a nasty little lier, ive seen the weed in your room multiple times before!" "Thats because you left them there!" Heeseung cried. "To the closet." Heeseung's eyes widened and he started kicking and screaming. "NO! NOT THE CLOSET! PLEASE!" Heeseung was lifted by the throat and thrown into the closet. "Let me out!" Heeseung banged on the door. "Please! Anybody..." Heeseung curled up in a ball and cried. He didn't care about the pain in his back or the cut reopening on his throat and the pain in his stomach. He wanted out of the closet. He didn't want to be trapped. "Shut up!" The bang on thee door was all it took for Heeseung to be quiet.

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