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1 year



April 20th

"Dude, years have gone by so fast" Heeseung said, laying in the middle of the schools football field. "I know right, im now 11, your turning 12 soon, were in 6th grade together, doesn't feel real at all" Jay said. "Can....can I hold your hand Jay?" Heeseung turned his head at Jay who  looked at him. "Sure" Jay linked hands with Heeseung, their hands fitting like a puzzle piece. "I wonder what the future has for us"

May 23rd

"Im so excited to see you in 10 months Jay, I haven't seen you since you were a baby!" Jays mother said as she smiled widely. "Oh, yeah..." Jay looked at Heeseung who was sleeping, soft snores erupting from him. "I gotta go mum, see ya" Jay hanged up and stared at Heeseung. "I wish I could stay with you forever"

June 13

"Ugh, this heat is killing me" Heeseung whined, his head in Jay's freezer. "Seriously" Jay had a fan to his face. "Ugh I swear im gonna die" Heeseung closed the freezer. "Lets go to the local pool" He said, running to go put on his sandals. Jay grabbed his bathing suit from the closet by the door and followed him out to his house, not minding that Heeseung was stripping in front of him. "A-are you just gonna stand there and watch me change?" Heeseung said shyly. "Were boys, its fine" Jay said, shrugging it off. "O-oh, right" Jay went out the window, starting to walk toward the pool. "Wait for me Jay!" They both giggled as they ran off.

August 15

Heeseung quietly made his way into class, very very late. "Mr. Lee!" Heeseung flinched and turned around, wearing a mask and hoodie, his hair covering his eyes. "Can you explain why you are late to class?!" Heeseung shook his head. Hi teacher, mrs. Oh, was visibly angry, "Young man! There i ALWAYS an answer! now tell me!" "I-I.......don-t...kn-ow" Heeseung was having a hard time speaking, he didn't know if it was because of what happened that morning or if he was just scared of her. "Mrs. Oh" The teacher looked at Jay, who stood up with a broken pencil in his hand. "I don't think its necessary to be having this conversation in front of the whole class, nor in private" Jay said, walking towards Heeseung and pulling him close. "Heeseung does't have to answer you, didn't you hear? He was at a funeral! Your just making him more sad, having him think about it more" Jay looked at Mrs Oh. "And plus, its the second day of school, your already being harsh on him" Mrs Oh didn't say anything, knowing Jay came from a wealthy family and always gave the school the biggest donations. "Just-just go sit down!"

August 23rd

"Sorry, I didn't mean to kill your pig!" Heeseung said, him and Jay playing minecraft. "Its okay, I'll just kill one of your dogs" "WHAT?! NO!" Heeseung said, hitting Jay to make him go away. "Hey! I'm gonna di- I DIED! HEESEUNG!!!!" Before Heeseung could say anything, Jay leaped on Heeseung, putting him in head lock. Heeseung smiled and the two started wrestling, forgetting about the game left unpaused.

September 4th

Heeseung was walking down the hall, heading over to Jay's locker where they'd meet. "Jay, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I don't know why I ever bullied Heeseung, I-I guess I was just jealous and-" "I already told you, I don't, and i WONT forgive you" Jay pushed her away softly, walking towards his locker. Seonhee and Heeseung made eye contact, her frowning at him with tears in her eyes. "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH LEE HEESEUNG!!" She said before stomping away in tears.

September 19th

Heeseung chewed on a carrot, reading a book. "Whatcha doin?" Jay came up with a football in his hand. "Reading" "BORING!!!" Heeseung shrugged. "Its a good book though, a book about people who were born in labs" "Aren't labs like......hospitals??" Jay asked, pulling out a chair to sit in front of Heeseung. "No, labs are for scientists, they do expirements" Heeseung said, picking up another carrot to chew on. "That sounds cool, well ima go play football, lets go to my house after school, we can play with my stuffed animals." Jay said, kissing Heeseung's nose. As he looked up, Jay was already out playing football. Heeseung just smiled, a visible blush on his cheeks.

October 1st

Heeseung sat on the sidewalk, playing with a stick and ants. "Boo" Heeseung jumped, dropping the stick as the ants scattered around, loosing each other. "Haha, scared ya!" Jay smiled. "Jay....are you moving?" Heeseung said, being serious. "No, why you ask?" Heeseung shrugged. "I'd never leave you Seungie not for anybody else!" Jay said, kissing his cheek. Heeseung blushed. "I won't leave you for anybody else either" Heeseung looked up at Jay with a smile.

October 15th

"HYUUUUUUNGGG" Jay came running up to Heeseung, who was now finally 12 years old. Heeseung was engulfed in a big hug. "Happy birthday!!" Heeseung smiled shyly. "Thanks" the two were currently walking to school, their hands brushing against each other. "Hyung" Heeseung turned around, realizing Jay had stopped. "Yeah?" "I get this weird feeling around you, I feel like I know what it is, but at the same time, I don't wanna be wrong about it, so..to confirm, let me just" Heeseung's eyes widened as Jay kissed him on the lips. Heeseung soon after responded, kissing back. "Hyung, I really like you" Jay said, looking up at Heeseung. "I don't wanna leave you, I wanna stay with you forever" "Then stay, stay with me until we die old, please, Jay, I really like you too"


Wowwers, only one or two more chapters left until this book ends, I'm so surprised! I love this book and i think next week I'll start posting the 2nd book :)))

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