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1 year added :)

April 20th
"Your now 10!" That was the first thing Heeseung said once he saw Jay. Heeseung hugged Jay and kissed his forhead, him being taken a back at what he had just done. "Woah" Jay giggled and pulled Heeseung down, kissing his forhead. "Lets go to the park Heeseung!" Jay took Heeseung's hand and dragged him to the park.

May 11th

"Hi Jay oppa" Seonhee came skipping up to Jay and Heeseung, slightly pushing Heeseung away from Jay so she could cling to his arm. "Ah, Seonhee!" Jay smiled. "Whatcha doin??" "Oh, me and Jay were gonna head towards the park near his house" Seonhee glanced at Heeseung, rolling her eyes at the boy, putting her attention back on Jay. "Oh, thats cool, can I tag along?" Heeseung was gonna say no, but Jay interupted. "Yeah, sure!" "Jay..." Heeseung looked at the boy, a bit betrayed. "Shes our friend, she can hang out with us" Jay said. Heeseung didn't wanna fight, so he just nodded and continued walking.

June 1st

"Heeseung" Heeseung looked up from where he was crying at, seeing Jay at his window. He quickly wiped his tears and put a smile on his face, going to open the window for the younger. "I still don't understan why we couldn't go through the door instead of the window" Heeseung looked at Seonhee. She been joining them a lot recently, trying to get closer to Jay. "None of your buisness Seonhee" Heeseung mumbled. "Oh, what happened?" Jay said, seeing his desk knock over and papers scattered on the floor, his room being a complete disaster. "You-you know....my-" "Your just messy, these are the people you wouldn't want around you Jay, you should just hang out with me, im way more neater" Seonhee said, kicking Mr.corn. "And who still plays with stuffed animals? We're in 5th grade already" Heeseung took the stuffed animal, frowning at her. "I do, and plus, Jay gave this to me" Heeseung snarled at her. "I do too, I have a matching one like that, whats wrong with stuffed animals Seonhee?" "N-nothing...give this to me!" Seonhee took Mr.corn from Heeseung and ripped the head off. "Oops, my bad" She said sarcastically. Heeseung looked at Jay. "D-don't worry, I can ask my auntie to sew it back together for you" Jay picked up the ripped stuffie and shoved it in his back he brought along. "LEE HEESEUNG!" Heeseung gasped. "Closet, now" Heeseung said, pushing them towards the closet. 'Why-" "I SAID SO" He yelled. He saw as the two got in the closet. Just as the closet shut, his bedroom door opened. "I told you to clean this mess you made!" "But it was Heli, not me-" "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?! I JUST GOT BACK FROM WORK, now go get me a beer from the fridge" "Yes father" "Its sir to you" Heeseung yelped as he was shoved to the ground, his bedroom door slamming shut. "Oh my god Heeseung" Jay ran out from the closet to his best friend. "Are you okay?" Heeseung nodded, getting up. "Go back in the closet, im goign to get my dad his beer" Heeseung said harshly, not looking at Jay even once.

June 23rd

Heeseung hadn't talked to Jay since then, him being grounded and locked up in his closet as he was crying too loud for his father. All Heeseung could think about was if Jay was okay. The two would always hang out whenever Heeseung wasn't locked up. "Heeseung-" "Can yall hurry up?" He heard Seonhee whine. "Shush Seonhee, Heeseung, I'm here to get you out" "No, Jay, don't he'll find out-" Just then the door opened, Heeseung falling out. He looked like a ghost that died twice. "Oh gosh Heeseung, your so....skinny, why can't you just run away from this horrible place, live with me instead, i know my auntie wouldn't mind" Jay said, hugging Heeseung. "Don't worry, im fine, they gave me water atleast" Heeseung smiled, he smiled for Jay

August 15

"Its the first day of-" "Jay oppa!!!" Heeseung was shoved to the side, him hitting his head on the wall harshly. "Ah!" Heeseug held onto his head as a headache formed. "Seonhee, I don't know whats gotten into you, your always shoving and hitting Heeseung, and don't deny it, Heeseung tokd me and ive seen with my own eyes, I dont wanna hang out with somebody who hurts my best friend" Jay said, walking over to heeseung who was currently in shock of what Jay said. "Come on Heeseung, lets go to class"

August 16

"Your so fucking annoying Lee Heeseung!" Seonhee said as she kick the boy. "Stop please-" "Shut the hell up! All I want is Jay but your in the way! Why cant you go die or something!? What does Jay see in you??? Because all i see is shit!" Heeseung couldn't do anything. He knew he shouldn't hit anybody, especially a girl. But he didn't know what to do, so he let her beat him up. "Your so fat and ugly! Literally! Jay always gives you attention, why cant he give me attention???? And your so clingy to him! Why can't you just leaveee, go away! Not interfere with me and Jay, go kill yourself!" Seonhee yelled, Heeseung seeing only red. "Shit, hes coming...AHHHH HEESEUNG!!!" Heeseung groaned, him holding his head, feeling cold drip down his forehead. "Oh my god Heeseung, Seonhee go get a teacher!" "Okay"

September 4th

"Seonhee isn't hanging out with us anymore" That was the first thing Heeseung heard when he saw Jay. "Oh, I thought you guys were friends?" Heeseung said, "Are you crazy?!  She almost killed you, and you think we'd still be friends after that!?" Heeseung just shrugged. "I mean, you've sort of ignored the other things shes done..." Heeseung whispered. "What?" "Nothing, don't worry Jay, anyways, lets go on the swings"

September 14th

"Heeseung, wake up" Heeseung opened his eyes to see Heli". "W-what?" "Dads going on a buisness trip , so im going to throw a party on october 15th, okay? You can invite all your little friends if you'd like to" Heeseung's eyes widened as he smiled. "Really?? You mean it Heli??" Heli glared at Heeseung. "Don't push it, or ill take it back" Heeseung zipped his mouth and nodded. "Ill invite Jay over" Heli looked at Heeseung. "You still hang out with him? It's been years since ive seen him" Heeseung giggled. "Dont tell dad, but ive been seeing him EVERY day" "Dude, i swear, next thing you know your gonna turn gay and fall inlove with him, dad will be hella pissed"  Heli said, shaking his head. "Theres no way that would happen, were best friends!"

October 15th

"Hi Jay" Heeseung said as he opened the front door. "Hi hyung, happy birthday" Jay said. "Woah, it feels weird walking through your front door hyung" Jay giggled, slowly making his way in. "Yeah, all those years through the window" Heeseung closed the door. "Heli! Jays here!" Heeseung shouted, earning an okay back. "Wanna go to my room and play?" Jay nodded. Heeseung and Jay spent a few hours playing with stuffed animals and playing on their tablets, mostly playing minecraft and mario kart. "Heeseung, my friends are here, and theres food downstairs if you two want some"  "Okay" Heeseung replied, looking at Jay who was cuddled up in his bed watching minecraft videos. "Hey Jay, wanna go downstairs and eat?" Jay looked at Heeseung and nodded. The two made their ways downstairs, looking at all the people there. "Woah your brother invited a lot of people" Heeseung nodded. "I want ramen" Heeseung mumbled, walking towards the kitchen. "Yo Heli, who're these kids?" Heeseung looked back and glared, he was NOT a kid, he was 10, almost 11. "Woah, calm down there, I don't mean no harm" "Jino, thats my little brother, Heeseung and his best friend, Jay" "Thats cool, wassup lil dudes" "Im not little, im 10" Jay said with a huff. "Oh, my bad, so your in 5th grade?" "Yes, Heeseung is also" "Thats cool, I have a little brother your ages too, but SOMEBODY didn't inform me on this, so I couldn't let him tag along, plus he has soccer so he couldn't come either way" Jino said, drinking his fruit punch. "You guys should get what you want to eat and go back to playing upstairs" Heli said. Heeseung nodded, taking the boiling water from the kettle and putting it in the ramen to eat.

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