main and important points

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1. they all are studying in st. Louis college except ishaan
2. Ananya , janhvi and Aditya are siblings and Sara ,Tara are also siblings
3. Ananya's father and kartik's father are buisness partner so that's why ananya and kartik are childhood friends
4. Sara , Tara , Shraddha and sidharth belongs to middle class family while Alia and Varun is the children of buisness tycoons
5. Janhvi is very good in academics and Aditya in sports but ananya is not in both but she likes dancing .
6. Ananya's father is also trusty of college who does not like her and he doesn't support her . He is very proud on janhvi and Aditya .
7. Janhvi , Sara , Tara have their own group while Ananya , Alia , Shraddha have their own . They have always group rivalry . Boys are not part of any group , they always make peace in both groups when they fight 😉 .
8. Tiger is new student of college who changed his old college only for Tara . Tiger's entry will be late in story.
9. Basically , they all live in college hostel
Which is situated near the college
10. Boys and girls have different hostel

{ I will update chapters very soon . I hope you guys will love it ☺️}

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