Once, Twice and Then Again

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I get back to the apartment and see that Toni is sat there watching tv. "Marty's out"
"Okay..." I put my bag on the kitchen counter and sit on it, staring over at Toni. "What happened today?"
"Nothing" She doesn't turn around but grabs her drink from the table.
"I don't get how you can be so full of love one second and cold hearted the next" I give it a minute for her reply but I get nothing. I hop off the side and sit on the opposite couch to her. "Toni"
"What do you want me to say? It's just the way I am. It was one time, get over it"
"It was two and you don't understand-"
"No. You don't understand. You're a rebound, someone to fuck while I get over my girlfriend"
"Ex. Girlfriend."
"Fuck you. Now I see why Andrew cheated on you, you're annoying and-"
I try to hold back from taking what she says to heart while she finds her words. I've never seen Toni stutter when insulting someone. I stand up and leave the room, sitting on Marty's bed. I turn over facing away from the door and fall to sleep.

Marty wakes me up with a slight touch to me arm and I shoot up, grabbing her hand. "Sorry. Dinner is ready"
"I'll be there in a minute"
She leaves the room and I lay back down staring at the ceiling. I think about how Toni was today and how the root of her anger could of been from her ex girlfriend. I know she has anger issues but it was only last night we were kissing.

I get up and go into the living room where both girls were sat eating some food watching tv. I grab my plate and join Marty on the couch. "How was work?" Marty says trying to cut the tension and silence between us all.
"Fine. I'm swapping sections" Toni grumbles under her breath after taking a bite.
"Because I don't know anything about fashion"
"You don't need to do you?" Marty looks at me waiting for a response.
"Not really..." I keep my eyes glued to the tv but I can see in the corner, Toni looks up at me from her plate. The tension returns as we all finish in silence.

Marty leaves to go bed earlier than usual, leaving Toni and I watching a show. "I haven't handed it in" I look over at her but she doesn't look back. "I just wanted to see what would of happened if I came in into your office with it"
"Toni, I'm sorry if I upset you at any point..."
"It wasn't you" I knew I wasn't the cause of her outbreak but wanted to apologize so she knew I cared. "You shouldn't be sorry..."
"What happened?" Toni finally looks over at me and I see a hint of sadness in her eyes. Mostly filled with anger and pain but still sad. It seemed like she was about to explain but shakes her head instead.
"We should stick to our professional relationship"
"I live with you. I don't think it's very professional"
"Friendship then" She turns back to the tv and fixates her eyes to the screen again.

Friendship...she considers me a friend?

"I don't know. Friends or whatever. Housemates"
I nod and we leave it at that.

I was three months into working at Powers & Co when I finally took the leap on getting my own place. I find a studio apartment not too far from the office and closer to the coastline. Dot and Fatin help me move my things from the removal van into my apartment, while Toni and Marty stay back at my old apartment picking up the last of my things.

"Are you sure this is enough space?" Fatin laughs as she scoots around on a scooter she impulsively bought. "This is bigger than any studio apartment I've ever been in"
"I love the wooden beams and the bricks" Dot glances around bringing in another box.
"I might have to move in with you. How many bedrooms again?"
"There's 2. I was hopin' to change one into a office"
"An office?! You just can't stay away. What you going to do with the rest of this space?"
"I don't know, I'm just happy to be here" I put the final box down on the floor and take in my new home.

The door opens and Marty and Toni come in with two more boxes. "We got this plant on the way over. Thought it'd be a cute addition"
"You got the plant"
"Toni don't act like you don't love a cacti" Fatin says as she grabs the plant. "Where should I stick it?"
"By the window?" I look over at the huge glass panes. "Middle one"

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