The Lore of Spider-Man

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I hold my head as I sit up after waking up from the night. I turn to see Toni sleeping peacefully next to me. I groan and collapse back on my pillow. Toni moves next to me and I see her open her eyes.
"Fuck" She groans also holding her head.
"What happened?"
"What? Shh. It's too early to be talking" I close my eyes and fall back to sleep.

I wake up the second time to the smell of food being cooked. I sit up and see that Toni's no longer next to me. I find water and aspirin on the box next to my bed. I take the pills and drink the water as I get up. My whole body aches and I look at my outfit to see that I was just in a oversized shirt.

Questioning myself, I walk into the open area of both the kitchen and living room, heading straight for Toni. "Morning"
"What happened last night?"
"Don't you remember?"
"Nothin' after um..." The memory of kissing Toni at the club floods back and I clear my throat. "Us kissin'"
"You kissed?!" I turn around and see Fatin staring at me from the couch.
"I'm joking. After last night, I think the whole world heard you kissing"

Fatin lies back down and I sit on one of the stools for the kitchen island. Toni plates up some food and I sit watching her. "Do you seriously not remember anything?" She says in a hushed voice to avoid listening ears.
"I'm serious..."
"Not the journey home? bed?" I start to get worried since nothing is coming back from last night in my mind.
"What happened?"
"Fuck fuck fuck"
"Toni calm down"
"We had sex Shelby!"

I sit there thinking about why she was reacting the way she was but realized that she didn't notice how drunk I was. "Toni it's fine..."
"It's not fine. I..."
"No you didn't. We were both drunk, I was just unlucky to remember. Toni it's okay" I put my hand on hers and she doesn't move but puts her other hand on top.

"Are you two like together?" I turn my head to look at Fatin who was still laying down watching tv.
"You can't tell anyone about last night Fatin"
"It's fine Shelby. Your secret love affair is safe with me" I look up at the clock and it's just turned 10:30.
"I need to go shoppin'"
"For what?" Toni says handing me a plate and walks over to Fatin giving her one.
"Some more stuff?"
"I have a date"
"A date?"
"A girl has to date, Shelby"
"I didn't take you for the datin' type, Fatin"
"I'm taking that as an offence. You should get back into dating, now Andrew is off the scene"
"I'm enjoyin' the months of freedom. I was expectin' my mom to call me"
"You have parents?" I start to laugh and Fatin joins in.
"Doesn't everybody?"
"No" Toni chimes in and we stop laughing. The conversation dies out and we eat our breakfast in silence. Half an hour later, Fatin eventually leaves for her date.

"I'm gonna head out"
"Are you sure? I could use the company when shoppin'"
"I don't think you'd want me shuffling around behind you"
"Please?" I look up and her and smile. Giving her puppy dog eyes and I watch as her face changes, giving into my charm. "Thank you!"
"I want something"
"Anythin', name it, it's yours"

I get ready and then we first make a trip so Toni can change into some fresh clothes. A couple of hours later we're standing in the furniture store looking at a new couch.

"I think it's more mustard"
"I'll take it"
"The set?"
"We can keep it bright. Add some orange beanbags for guests"
"I'll go order it" Toni walks off and I stay staring at some other furniture items.

Toni comes back, smiling with a leaflet. "This is for you and they'll be delivering by the end of next week. If you buy anything else they'll add it on"
"So what did you want?"
"Not from here"
"Where did you want to go next?"
"Just follow me. Are we done?" I nod and she grabs my hand pulling me to the cashier. "Just these please" She doesn't let go and pays for the set using my credit card. "Okay I'll drive so I need your keys"

We drive back to my apartment where Toni gets out. "What are you doin'?"
"We're here"
"At my apartment?"
"Yeah" I get out and follow her, opening my door once we get out of the elevator.
"Why are we back here?"
"I don't want anything. I have everything I need already" I'm confused about the whole thing but drop it as I see that Toni's more happier than usual.

"Are you okay?"
"Yes" She collapses on my couch and I join her.
"Can we talk about last night?"
"Why is it when we care only in the moment but afterwards you don't talk about what happened?"
"Because it's no big deal"
"It is to me..."
"Well ok. What's so big about it?" She chuckles and looks at me straight into my eyes. "If you want to talk about last night. What happened?"
"I-" I stutter among my words because she knows I don't remember.
"Then tell me, Toni. You were havin' some breakdown this mornin' about it but you refuse to tell me"
"I don't know what you want me to say. That we had sex, we fingered and ate each other out, made each other orgasm. I know pretty girls like you don't use those kinds of words" I sit in silence watching the tv as she flicks through the channels.
"Was I good?"
"Was I good?"
"From what I remember you were doing good. Why first time?" She jokingly laughs until she sees my face. "Oh. You were in a relationship for how many years and didn't-"
"I'm Christian, Toni. Andrew didn't bother tryin' to meaningfully propose"
"'re saying that that night months ago was your first?" I nod and she smiles. "Well fuck"
"It'd of been better if I remembered"
"I'm sure it'll come back...I only remembered once I got up"
"I've been up...for hours"

We sit and watch the older Spider-Man movies while the day passes by. It was getting late and Toni had fallen asleep so I decided to order some food. An hour later there's a knock at the door and Toni shoots up from the couch. "Calm down. It's just the delivery person" I open the door and grab the bag. "Thank you"

I take it over to Toni who's now stretching. "I got Chick-fil-A"
"You know me too well" I hand her a burger and some waffle fries. I grab my food and we both sit crunching away while the final Spider-Man movies ends.
"What do you want to watch now?"
"Did you like it?"
"It was great, why?"
"You didn't seem like the type of person to watch them as a kid"
"You're right"
"Good. There's more to come. On to The Amazing Spider-Man now"
"There's more?"
"There's three Spider-Men!" I can see her face light up as she starts talking about all these different actors and how they're connected but not really connected? I was lost half way through but seeing her happy...made me happy. "And then there's-"
"So wait, they're linked how?"
"Keep up, Goodkind" she laughs and continues to go into some Marvel timeline. "We have to spend maybe a week watching Marvel movies!"
"You're so excited"
"Shh. Don't ruin it! I love these movies. There's also tv shows-"

Eventually, Toni stops and actually puts on the movie for me to watch. I've never seen her so happy to talk about something. I spend nearly everyday with her at work but today...was my favourite.

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