Change of Direction

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I wake up at 8am to my alarm and Toni's still asleep next to me. I get up and sneak into the kitchen to make some coffee for us both. "Morning"
"Oh good mornin'. Here I made you coffee"
"Thanks" I hand Toni the coffee cup and her hand lingers on mine longer than it needed to. The heat rushes to my cheeks and I let go, turning my back to her towards the sink.
"I have to be in at 9 but I can send someone to pick you up if you don't want to be in early"
"It's fine. I'll come early. I have things to do, early is good"
"Great. Um, I have clothes on the rack if you want to change"
"Cool, I'm just going to hop in the shower"

I feed Bear while Toni gets ready to get into the shower and he sits next to me watching. "Sorry about last night. I hope you slept well?" He pants harder, drooling at the food. "You just want your breakfast. Here you go"
I put his bowl on the floor and he starts to eat it.

I go back to my bedroom to get dressed when I hear Toni's phone buzz on the box at her side of the bed. I look over as it stops and I see Regans name on the screen. I ignore it and begin my makeup. Toni comes in a few minutes later smiling at me. "You look nice"
"Oh thanks"
"So I'm guessing your rack is full of dresses and-" I watch in my mirror as she moves the sheet that temporarily covers my clothes and smiles.  "Or not. I didn't take you for the sweater type of girl, Princess"
"Surprisin' you everyday hm?"
"You could say that"
"Someone was callin' you while you were in the shower"
"Probably Marty. A little busy to tell her I was here for the night" She chuckles to herself, pulling off some clothes. I turn around as she picks up her phone and her face changes.
"You okay?" She looks up at me but her face stays the same.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"I just...nevermind. I'll take Bear outside and then grab us the coffee to go, 20 minutes?"

I leave her to get ready and my phone starts to ring.
"Hey Shelby"
"Hey Marty"
"Is Toni with you?"
"Yeah. Everythin' okay?"
"She didn't tell me she was staying out. Just concerned, see ya"
"Oh alright. Bye"

I take Bear outside to the nearest grass patch and he sniffs around while I look at my surroundings. I've been living here long enough to care about the area I live in, but I've been too busy to notice at the beauty. As I clean up his mess taking it to the trash near the entrance of my building, I'm greeted by a small dog who seems to love Bear. Leah comes shooting out of the door grabbing the dog.
"New dog?"
"Dogsittin'. New dog?"
"Yeah...he's not used to apartments yet. I wish these doors had sensors that ignore him"
"What's his name?" I stroke him while he's trying to wiggle out of Leah's hand.
"You called him Dog?"
"We haven't decided yet"
"Better give him one soon or this pup will be only listenin' to dog" we laugh and head back inside together.

I get back in, letting Bear off of his lead and I follow him to give him fresh water. Toni walks up behind me scaring me. "Jesus Toni. You scared me, why are you sneakin' around?"
"I wasn't. Are you ready?" I put Bear's bowl down and I pour some coffee into travel mugs.
"Yeah. Here" I pass her one and she grabs my keys walking to the door and I follow behind grabbing my purse. "Be a good boy, Bear" I kiss his head and close the door behind me.

On the way out we bump into Rachel and another woman getting mail from Leah's apartment box. "Mornin'"
"Hey" I look between them both trying to figure out what the relationship between them is since they look so similar. "This is Nora. My sister. Nora, this is Leah's neighbor and her friend"
"Twin sister. Nice to meet you" I offer my hand and she softly grabs it, shaking it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Shelby, this is Toni"
"We're kinda in a rush. Come on Goodkind" Toni grabs my hand pulling me out the building.
"See you around" I wave, looking behind me.

"Why are we in a rush?" I get into my car and Toni hands me back my car keys.
"Traffic" I look at her confused knowing that she never normally cares about being late but shrug it off and start the car.

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