Chapter 4

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>3 day timeskip<

Goh and Cinderace were about to head out to kidnap Ash again, but before they could even reach the door Chloe stopped them.

"Uh, uh, uhh~~! You two aren't going anywhere!"

"What is it now, Chloe?..." Goh rolled his eyes.

She frowned at him, "Matori told me to lead this today."

"Ev-oi!" her Eevee closed its eyes smugly.

"What?! No way!" he asked, incredulous.

"Goh, you haven't managed to bring Ash back to HQ yet. And you know they're planning something, and it's going to happen soon! Matori trusts me to actually complete the mission."

"Fine. Do the mission. Just..." Goh looked down at the ground regretfully, "Please, don't hurt him."

Chloe's facial expression softened into one of compassion for her friend, "I can't make any promises. But if it helps, I won't hit him as hard as they taught us." she put her hand on his shoulder for a second, then looked down at Eevee, "Right, we'll be off. Try not to get into trouble while we're gone!" Chloe laughed as she saw Goh's pout.

"I'm not trouble!" he shouted as she ran off.

"You know what, I'm gonna take a walk." Goh decided. He stood up from his desk, leaving his half chewed pen and unfinished plans on the table.

"Cin, cinderace."

"No, I'm not going to do anything that'll get me into trouble, don't worry."

"Cinder!" Cinderace waved as it's trainer shut the door. What could he be up to?...

Truth was, Goh was probably going to get himself in trouble. He was pretty sure wandering about the halls when you could be training was forbidden. But Goh always enjoyed meaningless walking, he could watch other operatives train in things he learned years ago, and he could escape his crazy thoughts and enjoy peace. But not quiet, the sound of yelling instructors made sure of that. Still, he wandered around, peering into rooms occasionally. He even made eye contact with someone, but he ran away giggling before being caught. This backfired the second time though, and he found himself being chased by a short stumpy man who had taught him to tie knots all those years ago. Yeah, Goh definitely wasn't supposed to walk in the corridors alone. Maybe they didn't trust him because he was the youngest? Whatever, he quickly darted around a corner and hid in a cupboard, and didn't come out until he was sure the rope instructor had well and truly disappeared. Phew, that was close. But then Goh realised where he was. The large black door in front of him led to the boss's office.

Curiosity got the better of his morals, and Goh found himself drawn to the door and the muffled conversation happening behind it. He pressed his ear to the door and began to listen.

"So. They still haven't captured the boy."

"Not yet sir. Do you want me to change who is on the mission?"

"No. I believe using the younger operatives is an easier way to get him to join me."

"Are you sure? Someone more experienced would be able to actually capture him." a pause. "Perhaps someone from my Matori Matrix."

"The boy is more likely to trust someone his own age."


"He is far too valuable! I do not believe it is worth the risk to change operatives!"

"Sorry sir."

"Thank you Matori." another pause. "Now please capture my son."

"Of course sir."

Goh immediately rushed to hide back in the cupboard. His heart was thumping out of shock. Giovanni... Ash's father? But how?! They were nothing alike! Giovanni was an evil leader of a criminal group and Ash... Well, he was Ash! But at least some things made sense, the boss's weird interest in the brown eyed teen and why Goh was the one tasked to kidnap him. Then he realised another thing. Did Ash know that that was his father?! If he didn't...


I hope you don't hate me for this chapter 😅

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