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<later that day. Goh has had a proper diagnosis and they two of them went to get fresh air from the hospital>

Ash and Goh were taking a walk in the meadow, just them alone. And even if the scenery was beautiful, the weather was perfect, and there was a cool breeze, Goh just wasn't feeling it. He just wanted to know. Know everything that had happened, how hard could that be? But aside from Cinderace, no one knew his whole life story. All he was supposed to go on was that he was called Goh (a pretty silly name, if you ask him) and he was 17 years old and a criminal. Oh, he had a supposed friend called Ash too. He was definitely cute, but didn't seem the criminal type. So Goh had no idea how he got to this point in life, and it was weighing heavily on his mind as he had left the hospital. They say amnesia can be cured by an event to jog your memory, but Arceus knows how long that will take. Forever, as far as Goh knew.

"Goh? Are you alright?" Ash asked, leaning back against a tree they had stopped at.

"I'm..." Goh didn't want to lie, he was supposed to trust Ash. But could he really trust what was effectively a stranger?

"You know what, I'm not fine. I don't know anything about anything to do with my life, and I want to."

Ash smiled brightly at Goh. (He wasn't sure he deserved it, criminal status and all). "Hey, I getcha."

Screw it, Goh decided, he needed to know, "Tell me it all."


So that's it! The final part is here, I hope your excited for the next fic 

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