Chapter 6

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>timeskip 1 week. Ash and Goh haven't seen each other at all<

Ash still couldn't believe that his father was Giovanni. And he was still kind of annoyed that he had to be told by a member of Team Rocket rather than his own mother. But the long haired teen must have got in trouble for telling Ash, because he hadn't been kidnapped for a whole week! That's the longest time for a while!!

He'd been helping his mother and Mr Mime in their restaurant during the week, but he hadn't really been focused and kept messing up the orders because the events of that day were still playing vibrantly in his mind. How he'd broken down, and had to sit on a chair for at least five minutes until he was sane enough for Delia to explain what had gone on with Giovanni. Still crazy to think about. Ash had been certain his mum had a good sense of morals, now he wasn't so sure.

Goh hated that Matori had stopped him from his mission. She'd done it 'outside the boss's orders', so he would 'have to keep quiet about it', but really he knew what was going on. Matori wanted to please the boss by finding Ash, and since he and Chloe hadn't gotten anywhere she needed to take matters into her own hands.

But he didn't want anyone to hurt Ash. So when Matori told Goh that he needed to attend an important meeting, he hoped it was to re-assign him to the task of capturing the brown eyed teen.

"The attack on Pallet Town will be happening in 2 days. I believe the Matori Matrix will be the most suitable legion to handle it." Giovanni stated.

Goh's mind raced. Attack on Pallet Town?! This must be to do with Ash! Because a small town like Pallet wouldn't mean much for world domination, he knew so much.

As Matori and Giovanni explained the plan, Goh thought up his strategy in his mind as well. He would have to sneak out tomorrow, and warn Ash that he would be attacked the next day. Yes, he was disobeying even more rules than usual, but you know, rules are made to be broken!

"Goh, you are the only member of this organisation that I know has a shred of humanity." Chloe shook her head.

"Please?! I need you to!" he begged.

"Fine. I will cover for you, but only an hour. Any more than that and I'll spill everything, even your crush-"

"You wouldn't dare."

"You don't know what I've done."

Goh sighed, "An hour will do fine. Thanks, Chloe. You're a real friend, yeah?" he smiled.

<2 day timeskip>

I hope he doesn't hate me, Goh thought as he strapped armour to his chest, Well, not more than he does now, anyway. He was still annoyed with himself for not being able to warn Ash about the attack. It had been a painful wait of the day, trying not to think about the fact he was about to quite possibly destroy the hometown of his crush. Goh slipped the metal cuffs onto his arm as slowly as possible, even if it wasn't going to change anything he needed to mentally put off the inevitable.

He hadn't been able to leave the headquarters yesterday because it was on lockdown so everyone's time could be solely focused on tomorrow's attacks. Not only was Pallet Town being targeted, Goh had discovered, but Viridian and Celadon cities too. He wondered why he couldn't be on one of those forces, it seemed unfair, really.

But here Goh was, and there was nothing he could really do about it. He only hoped someone wouldn't accidentally kill Ash before he could get there...

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