The One I Should Fear

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I don't own Naruto. Ages are changed. Hinata is 18 but Obito is still the same age as in Anime/manga.

Soft lilac eyes scanned the area around her as she traversed the forest, she was searching for something; although what she was searching for was just as much a mystery as to how she had gotten lost out here. She knew she could find her way back in no time, such is her gift of being a tracker, but she continued to delve into the woods in a search for something she felt tugging at her soul. One at a time her gentle steps were the only sound echoing back up to her ears. This told her everything she needed to know on its own. Nature was silent. No birds, no deer rummaging about. She scanned the area and knew what her soul was searching for was near.

A couple yards away there was a man slumped against a tree. Even from her distance she could tell he was breathing raggedly. The staggering of his chest was concerning to her. she slowly made her way over to the man, her gentle footsteps leaving no sound behind her now. She didn't want to startle him in case he were dangerous. She knew she shouldn't be approaching a random stranger in the middle of the forest at night, but as they say curiosity killed the cat. What had started out as a late night stroll to clear her mind had turned into an adventure. She slipped behind a tree and as her fingers rubbed over the bark, she saw the man look towards her.

"Oh... is someone there?" he called out to her and her heart raced. Fear took over and she wondered briefly if she should run and hide or go to him. She stepped slightly around the tree against her better judgement and he looked up at her. "Tobi won't hurt you." He said and she made her way over to him slowly. His chakra didn't feel sinister, but it did feel powerful so she was wary of him. "Are you alright?" she asked softly and his head lolled down a bit. Almost as if he didn't have the strength to keep staring at her.

"Ehh... not quite..." he said, forcing a small laugh before he sighed. She could tell he was forcing the tone of voice he was using, she wasn't going to press him on it though. She kenw he was hiding something. "Would you like some help?" she asked once more, commending herself on her lack of stammer once more. He nodded lightly and she crept closer to him, ignoring all warnings her body was giving her. she knew full well he could kill her, but she genuinely wanted to help him. She figured he could tell she was hesitant with the way he shifted slightly and waved both arms in the air.

"Tobi is a good boy. Tobi won't hurt you!" he said and grunted when he realized the flailing of his arms had hurt him once more. She smiled at him and made her way over. She crouched next to him and he moved his hands a bit only to hear him grunt from under his mask. "What happened?" She asked softly as she tried to pull the fragmented wood from his wound. "Ah...Tobi doesn't really know...Tobi hasn't gotten hurt in... a very long time..." She listened quietly, his voice wavered between tones, but if you weren't used to just listening; you wouldn't have heard it.

She was curious as to why he spoke the way he did, but she supposed it was so that people would look over him and make them think that he wasn't a threat. It was smart, Hinata could do something similar, but she wasn't much of a threat either way... She sighed as she used her chakra as a light to see. It was a very nasty wound. Whatever had been broken off inside him wasn't fully there anymore, but if left untreated he would die she was sure of that.

She made him carefully move to lay down so she could get better access to the wound and he obliged without a struggle. Her heart ached every time he winced and made any kind of pained noise. She knew he was hurting and she hated making him hurt worse just so she could help him. She began pulling the splinters of wood out very gently, as to not make him wince. When she was satisfied that she had gotten all fragments out she began applying her healing salve to the wound. That all too familiar green glow coated her hands and she pressed them gently to the wound, which made the salve react to her chakra and began restoring the wound.

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