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Hinata sat in the group circle with the rest of her teammates, Minato stared at them with a weird look, obviously he wasn't very sure he could deal with the four of them. Minato looked from one kid to the other. His eyes landed on Hinata and he furrowed his brows, he had been given the full intel on who she was, where she was from, and supposedly how she had gotten here. "I'm curious about you all, I have no idea who you are personally, I just know what your names are and that's it. I'm going to ask a few things of you and then I have something else for us to do." Minato said, an unsure smile crossing his lips.

Hinata watched him intently; she figured that he knew; seeing as he spoke to Lord third. "First off, I want to know all about you. I will start... My favorite things are... My wife, Kushina. Ramen, Jiraiya-sensei, and the color red. My dislikes are... Bamboo shoots in my ramen." He said this with a disgusted look on his face and Hinata and Rin giggled. Kakashi rolled his eyes and Obito grinned. "My dreams are to have a happy life with Kushina and make her the happiest woman alive." He said with a grin and Hinata smiled softly, but inside her heart dropped in sadness, he wouldn't get that for very long... "I would tell you about my jutsu, but then I would be ruining the fun." He said with a grin, scratching the back of his neck; a habit she knew would pass on to Naruto.

"You Hinata, I want to know about you." He said and she blinked, why did she have to go first? She fiddled with her fingers slightly and glared at her fiddling fingers, she thought she had rid herself of that habit. "Um, I like cinnamon rolls and sweet things... I dislike bean paste and bitter things... I also dislike people who endanger my friends..." she said and Minato nodded a smile crossing his lips. "My goals are to protect a certain person... he is my friend and I would never want anything t-to happen to him..." she said and Minato must have caught her glance at Obito because he blinked and a grin broke out over his lips.

"I possess jutsu that no one my age can use... and I have experience in medical skills and elemental..." she tried to keep her abilities as vague as possible, it would be questioned as to how she had trained with Tsunade when Tsunade doesn't even know she exists yet... Minato already knew that she possessed such unknown jutsu, but didn't pry much onto it. she listened to Rin, who claimed to like someone in the group and Obito grinned like a fool; Hinata sighed and Obito looked at her and grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't be so down Hinata-chan! We all got grouped up together!" he said with a grin and she smiled, despite the blush of embarrassment on her face. Kakashi shook his head and she frowned at him, apparently he didn't think much of Obito... she listened as Rin said she had medical skills too, Hinata wondered just how good she was with her medical skills... she was admittedly jealous of the brunette. Kakashi started speaking and everything he said was vague, so Minato gave him an exasperated look.

"So basically the only thing we learned about you is that you can't stand Obito..." he sighed and Obito glared at Kakashi. They got all in each other's personal space and were about to start arguing when Rin grabbed Kakashi and Hinata pulled Obito back by his goggles ( which had been the only thing she could grab as he had lunged for Kakashi), which... when she let go of them, they snapped back and smacked him in the face. He held his face whimpering in pain. Hinata jumped over and began apologizing profusely. "Sorry Obito-kun!" she squealed and he rubbed his face with both hands rapidly. Kakashi was laughing which was a bit of a surprise, Minato had his face in his hands trying not to either laugh or pull his hair out because of his rowdy group, and Rin sighed and let go of Kakashi.

Hinata managed to get Obito's hands away from his face and she pushed the goggles up and noticed a bruise already starting to form around his eyes. Her hand began to glow green and she placed her hand over his eye and the bruise began to fade. "Sorry..." she said when she removed her hand he blinked a few times and looked at her. "Whoa!" he exclaimed and touched his face. "It doesn't even hurt anymore!" he exclaimed and Kakashi's eyes narrowed, there went his fun...

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