Meeting Who

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                                                                      Mickeys POV

I heard a sound coming from the back of the dark windy alleyway, the bright moon shining letting me see the winding alleys. Curious I followed the voice to see a boy getting beat up by a group  of my own gang members led Kiyomasa. "oi, whats going on here." With that they turned around and bowed. "President how nice to see you." "Who are you?" I asked as I ignored the leader of the group. That's when i noticed the differences the twitching cat ears the tail curling down his legs. "Wait uuhhh your really different." Would you like to meet mt friends.

                                                               Takemichis POV

I was wandering through the dark alley away from my house while looking around I bumped into something when I looked up I saw someone. Before I knew it they pushed me against the wall beating me up and calling me a monster or freak. I was about to pass out when I heard some one coming. Then they suddenly stopped and bowed down, the one that looked like the leader suddenly said, "President  how nice to see you!" At that moment I gritted my teeth thinking he was the same as them.  "who are you!?" I suddenly heard then I realized he was talking to me as he strode toward. When he saw me there was suddenly silence for a minute. "Wait uuhhh your really different.!" I noticed my ears twitched  because off the loud noise . "Would you like to meet my friends?!"

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