February 2 2022

28 1 1

Authors note: this all happened in my dream
I was watching Ranboo's new video vibing, for some reason he was doing some running working thing as a joke. He was jumping on the treadmills and then sitting on them while they were going, making him flying off the treadmill into a pile of cushions (he was with Tubbo and Karl)

Tubbo then thought it would be funny to just have Ranboo run so Tubbo  put the run speed pretty high and Ranboo was super confused, Running as fast as he could at some point he tripped and flew into the pile of cushions at the end of the treadmill.

He got up to get water so the camera went back to Tubbo and Karl but when Ranboo walked back he was just drinking the water, I didn't think anything of it and only realized he had his mask down after he pulled it back up so I was kinda like 'whaaat the Hell just happened???' a couple 40 seconds went by in the video. But then Ranboo went up to the camera and pulled off his mask and it turns out he looked like a kid in my highschool. It was a very interesting day for me after that.

The end

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