Friday july 29 2022

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I missed the last update but I have been getting dreams again so I should probably start updating them soon, first one I had last night but I don't really Denver the plot but ill describe it loosely

I think George had finally gotten to go to a America and dream was super quit around other people with him, but he would always try to sit close to him and stuff and randomly he would just lean on him slightly almost like he was checking if he was still there.
He wasn't like talking when he was hanging out with the group who I think was just the dream team.
George didn't really care for this as much but you could tell it ment alot to him whenever dream did one of these reality checks.

I'm sorry I don't remember more of the dream it was genuinely one of my favorite dreams ever but mostly just because I remember how wholesome it felt.

These also aren't described in the way a book with an actual storyline are these are described in the way that I would explain them if I was telling it to someone else.

dreams I have had😀Where stories live. Discover now