july 31 2022

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Probably one of the most disturbing dreams I have had thus far other that the one were my dad tried to off himself

Me and a friend were making popcorn in a kitchen bc we were going to sleep on her trampoline when we heard meowing coming from somewhere in the room.
She was looking through all of the cupboards while I was looking through the drawers. We still couldn't find the source of the sound in the old kitchen.

(this takes place in an old church style kitchen)

I was walking past the toaster and the sound got louder, I thought I was going insane but I checked the toaster anyways and there was a very small and skinny kitten laying in there.
I grabbed it and it was all crusty, its eyes were caked with burnt bread crumbs, its fur was matted, but the creepiest thing about the cat is while I was looking at its face I noticed its entire have and throat latch was ripped out of it.

It wasn't bleeding but it was still horrifying to look at. We tried to offer it water but didn't know how to go I've the water. After about  an hour and a half the cat passed. I tried to forget about it but I had to head back home and my house was just through some dense foggy woods like the trees and forests you would find in the Pacific Northwest (around Puget sound type forest)

I had never need afraid of the woods so I calmly passed through the woods. But I had grabbed the kitten wanting to give it a funeral somewhere were it could peacefully rest. So I had need creeped out by the condition the cat had been in and as I was walking I heard the flap of wings, looking up I saw at least 8-9 Crows circling I got extra freaked.

Crows/Ravens are one of my favorite animals and are usually harmless but given what I had seen early I was sorta spooked. Thicker fog started setting in and a eerily glow started coming from the opposite direction of me were the crows were coming from. I slowly placed the cat in front of the birds hoping that's what they wanted. The biggest one started straight at the kitten and started eating it. Once it was finished It looked straight at me and handed me a watch and flew off, the others following shortly after it....

I woke up after that I'm sorry😭 genuinely one of the more nerve wracking dreams I have had.

If anyone actually knows how to read dreams I would love to hear what you guys think my dreams mean

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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