C.1 // far from the beginning.

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tommy was, well, he wasn't the brightest around this time. there were many bits and problems lying all around, and he was very.. down. before dream had successfully broken out of the high security prison, which he admits, is pretty impressive. though, that night? had successfully broken him.

in no way was he ever gonna feel, think or express, the same way as he did before. what dream did? no- what everyone did to him? was inexcusable. oh, pardon me. you probably wanna know what happened? must've jumped a bit too far into the story. well, lets start at the beginning.

yeah, dream was out. heard me correctly? he was out and about, swaying through the gust of wind, which should be in a prison cell, but no. he wasn't locked up anymore. apparently that guy, techno? yeah, he probably 'owed' dream a favour and in return, fucked everyone else over. fucked tommy over. but yeah, hey! it hasn't gotten to the worst part yet!

dream? yeah, that guy, he once killed tommy. no, not just killed. killed, and revived. for, two days was it? yeah, no. limbo was an absolute hell, for tommyinnit. if you hadn't known yet, time in limbo works differently than real-time. two days for everyone else? was two months for tommy. see, you'd probably say 'oh that's not so bad!' well, news flash. an all empty void, trapped with people you absolutely despise. that sound bad enough? your screams will fall in an empty abyss, seemingly forever trapped in a cycle of absolute darkness.

well, despise was a strong word to use.. maybe he'd been overreacting a tad bit. he never, necessarily despised wilbur. well, schlatt was an exception, that guy was a trainwreck. but, will? will was like his own flesh and blood. they were almost like.. brothers, you'd say. wilbur had done a lot of.. bad things. in the past. that absolutely nobody has gotten over, but.. things had to have changed by then, right?

not for tommy! yeah, no. tommy's life had only spiraled downwards as the demise of wilbursoot had happened. exile, prison, death and death of his loved ones. it was.. terrible, right? that sounds terrible, doesn't it? can it even get worse? oh-ho trust me, it does. how, you may ask? well. as it's been stated before, dream got out. techno broke him out, he had a favour yada yada. but, what was the worst part about him breaking out? oh, well.

he went directly for tommy. that fucking green bastard, decided to go for tommy. it was.. a lot? for him. I mean, his abuser, his one true enemy that had been torturing and toying with him his entire life, was just in front of him again? the guy who murdered him. was just, there? alive? daring to threaten tommy. hadn't he suffered enough? no. no, when it comes to tommy, its never enough. is it?

"welcome home!" that rat bastard exclaimed, having a snide-like sadistic grin on his face. covered with a mask he'd deliberately moved out of his face just to show off what he'd accomplished to his little useless toy. "do you wanna, drop all your stuff in a hole? you know, like the good old days?" the green eyed prick continued to taunt tommy. it was sickening, knowing the pain he'd caused, still coming for more. he wasn't a psychopath anymore, no, he was way worse. than that.

he'd gone on, rambling about all of his self-righteous shitty speeches, trying to seem like he's in control again but, no. tommy has had enough of it. he can see through it all, he grew up with that awful grinning face, spouting out every single lie and excuse out of his arse, trying to get into peoples heads but no. tommy wasn't gonna let himself be a victim. not again.

"you, just.. you can't do this anymore, dream. this isnt.. like, smart anymore. I know your tricks, I know.. who you are. dream. you're a monster, you haven't gained anything." tommy lifted his head, knowing every word he'd said had been true. to be fair, dream is a prick. I mean, come on, he tortured a minor for, what, years? tommy can't even remember how long it's been since he's felt genuine amusement in anything anymore without it being ripped apart moments after. dream broke him, and he thought he couldn't be broken any further. turns out he was.. so, so wrong..

"you.. think you have the right to speak that way to me? dream? your only friend? I've killed you once, i can do it again. you're not in power here, you're just.. an insignificant child. a pesky brat. if you ask me, no one would even care if you died right here right now." the man narrowed his eyes, a green light beaming out of them. tommy had known intimidation, he knew what all of that felt like. he felt trapped, stuck, lost. tommy knew what dream was capable of, and he wasn't ready to go through all that. not again. he'd just conquered himself morally.. why did things have to turn out this way..? this is just.. so unbelievably frustrating..

"dream." tommy took in a shakey breath, continuing onwards, despite the absolute fear he'd felt. he learned to.. block it off, in a way. "we aren't friends. nor were we ever friends. we're never going to be friends and you're not gonna fucking kill me. you can't, and if you just wanna toy with me again.. you've got some real loose strings in your head, dream. because thats fucked up." he scoffed, giving the same attitude he did way back in the prison cell, where he initially was gruesomely murdered. it was.. terrifying, to say the least. standing up to dream, there was no going back for tommy. 

his eyes flickered for a moment, seeing the purple glowing weapon appear in dream's hand. the kid flinched, the second he saw the axe. it was.. the axe of peace, that dream was holding. "dream.." tommy stepped back, being greeted by the axe of peace, absolutely shredding through his skin and bones.

his begs and blood curdling, agonising screams fell to deaf ears. dream hadn't lifted a brow, swinging his axe back and fourth at the boy who was bleeding out on the ground, wounds expanding and re-opening each slash of the axe. he sobbed, begged, screamed for mercy, for anybody to help him, but nobody came. his vision became blurry, screams starting to dim down and body starting to feel numb from the pain. his eyes struggled to keep open, slowly but surely closing, being welcomed by a last grin from dream.

and there he was, back in limbo. god, that was probably even more gruesome than the first time he had died. tommy tried to cling to the ground, scream, bang on the absolute void beneath him that didn't even feel like anything. it was the second time- no, the fourth time he's died, and it was even worse than the last. he gave in and spent the rest of limbo sobbing on the 'ground', feeling absolute hopelessness, as he has so many times before. tommy just. cant catch a break, can he? all he wanted, was to finally be happy again. and look where that got him? right, nowhere. now he's stuck in an endless cycle of torture and abuse again, not like it was new anyways. and this time, there's absolutely no one who can help him.

tommy's just..


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