C.3 // who are you?

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he looked.. astounded. no, not astounded. freaked. as if he'd seen a ghost, or someone had just been murdered in front of him. Tubbo's hands clasped over his mouth, gasping upon seeing the white-eburnean haired boy in front of him. his friend, his best friend, damaged to the core. the kid thought he was going insane, but everything in front of him had been real, as much as he hadn't wanted it to be.

shit- did I skip ahead again? aha- silly me! alright, tommy was still where we left off. on his 'fourth round'. you must've thought it'd been the last, right? since, y'know, can't feel, think or speak or anything? yeah, haha, but no. there was one last round. the fifth round. dream seemed to have a weird fascination, like an OCD type thing to make everything.. uneven? he didn't like organised things. he loved scattering useless junk around everywhere, making it all uneven. since four was an even number, dream had instinctively put tommy through another week of limbo, though he wasn't planning to. 

well, it was more of a reverse-OCD type thing, so we'll just let that be. right, one week! one week of limbo, equals to... 1, 2, 3, 4.. seven months! in limbo time. huh, pretty close to one year. as you'd expect, tommy had been losing it before round five, so now would be the 'breaking point', if you will. no thoughts, no- okay, you know what the drill is. but, that round five? somehow, it just left tommy completely, utterly..- I don't know the words for it, he just.. forgot, some things. you know that guy ranboo? yeah, he basically had the memory span of that enderman type guy. his thoughts had been fuzzy from the start, but- he'd never lost bits of his memory? it was kind of new. for everyone, really. but, tommy won't be getting it back anytime soon.

of course, round five was.. traumatizing? like, every other round, really. but, it's just- the way dream did it.. brought an even larger pit into tommy's stomach. torture, abuse, and all that while throwing regen potions on the ground just to put tommy through the max amounts of torture. dream was planning on doing more rounds, but since it was the last? he needed to make it count. dream cut tommy's chest, arms, legs, everything open. even went as far as to slicing his veins, but quickly throwing a regen potion on it as to prevent tommy from dying too soon. a puddle of blood had been forming in the place tommy had been getting tortured, and it wasn't looking very.. sanitary. of course, round five wasn't exactly just 'round five', he'd revived tommy more often, only keeping him in limbo for a shorter amount of time. as to, just, break him. and yeah, it worked. dream revived tommy.. twenty times? in that one round. twenty times. each time tommy died, a strand of hair had turned white. now? his entire scalp is tainted with an eburnean hue. tommy was thrown off pillars, suffocated to death, penetrated with the axe of peace, drowned for hours on end, brutally stabbed, so on. and now? he's dead.


Wooh! so, pulled back, new as ever. tommy, the guy who can't even remember his favourite colour anymore! what was it.. transparent?- no, no that's not even a fucking colour. yeah, he's officially lost it. this is it, he's dead. but for real this time, not like that dumb cliffhanger on chapter two, no. he's dead.

anyways, ignoring that, since dream technically.. wasn't, legal? he had to hide somewhere. as much as he'd wanted to take tommy with him, he couldn't. since, it'd have been too risky to be a duo runaway, especially with a hostage. was tommy a hostage? man, everyones so out of it. anywho, dream had fled the scene, leaving the eburnean tinted boy sitting in a puddle of his own flesh and blood. it must've taken him awhile to realize he was even alive, cause he'd been sitting there for.. what,

Two hours?? yeah, it slipped his mind a bit. heh, his 'mind'. 

it was- well, it wasn't easy to move around. he was covered in cuts and bruises from head to toe, all fresh and extremely painful to walk around with. some passing by would whisper quietly to themselves or their folks, some would stop him to ask 'are you alright mate?' and be stared down by two very disturbing eyes. no blinks here and there either. he'd walk around, emptiness filling people's lungs who'd walk past him. his energy just.. surrounded people. it's like he'd been the center of attention, everyone either giving him very concerned looks or just absolute disgust, which tommy did not understand. that was until he'd gone far enough out to a forest, close by Snowchester. you know, where- who lives there again? tu- tub- shit, man.

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