C.2 // just like that, I'm dead.

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okay, tommy has been in limbo for approximately.. four hours in the real world, (which equals to four days for tommy, if you've read the first chapter.) and, lets be real, he's just completely- losing it. like, full on. he'd claw at the 'walls', bang on the 'ground' or yell for anybody to come save him from this nightmare, until his throat was completely hoarse. his lungs emptied out. his spirit? hope? down the drain. he'd felt like this before, but now he just wanted to stay in limbo. he couldn't- he couldn't take it anymore. he just wanted to- 

"Toommmyyy?.. wake up, tommy!" the man standing above him narrowed his eyes, green light almost blinding the mess of a boy. "Come on, you're just warming up for round three!" the sadistic psychopath cackles, finding such amusement in tommy's suffering. this is.. some fucked up shit. this is fucked up, right? tommy's not, like, going insane or anything, is he? tommy gasps for air, his own body pulling itself up, faster than light itself. hyperventilating, crushing the weight on his own shoulders. he felt, emptier. even more dead than before. he's always felt dead, but.. especially now. it just.. brings a chill down my spine everytime I think about it.

"not.. not again.. why the f- why the fuck, did you do that..? what.. led you to-" tommy chokes on his own words, trying to calm down. his eyes start welling up with tears, absolute sobs leaving his mouth. he feels, oh what the fuck do i know? he feels absolutely fucking lost, is how he feels. how would you feel if that shit happened? absolutely fucking terrible.

dream looked.. amused, of course. he's ecstatic to put tommy through 'round three', as he puts it. it's.. terrifying, being trapped in custody of such a, vile person. it's sickening. tommy could repeat that over and over again and never change his mind. dream. is sickening. he's torturing a fucking kid, for his own fun. why else would he be doing it? to 'help' tommy? fuck, dream! working out pretty well, isn't it??

tommy looks around in panic, coming to his senses and making a run for it. though, a pearl is thrown right in front of him and dream appears, pushing the kid to the ground, chuckling to himself. then holding a grip on tommy's shirt, dragging him over to the lake. pushing him down, holding his head under water, stepping on tommy's fragile back just to keep him from escaping dream's tight grip on tommy's hair. tommy screamed under the water, bubbles forming from his struggling and choking, the torture being immeasurable. he took his last breath, lungs having filled to the brim with water and immediately drowned.

and there it was again. eternal pain, suffering, never-ending cycle of torture. it'd just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and just. just never stopping. he felt, not only dead. but, he felt dead in his limbo. he didn't even feel the need to claw at the 'walls', bang anywhere, scream or do anything. he just sat there, in silence. hoping for the pain to just, go on its own.

twenty hours. dream kept. tommy. in limbo, for twenty hours. is there gonna- is there gonna be a round four..? is it gonna get worse..? what's gonna happen to him? will he ever feel happiness ever again? he just. he can't. he sat in silence, choking on tears. letting his fate consume him, breaking down once again, once and for all. who even is tommy at this point? what does he enjoy, what does he like, who does he like? he's slowly but surely breaking apart. he can't breathe, can't think, he just wants it to be over. 'please, end it. someone, please just end me.'

once again, dream pulls him out of it. he's greeted once again by that insane grin, that.. malicious.. self-obsessed.. maniac grin. tommy's so, done with it all. he opened his eyes, tears immediately spraying out on command, without him even sitting up, or putting effort into moving a limb. he was just, dead? no, not yet. well, he was halfway dead, and he thought that he'd felt the worst amount of pain already, but. it was far from being over. no, no that was just the beginning of all the pain.

"Did you have a nice nap? are you excited yet? round four will be so much fun!" dream claps his hands in excitement, thinking about how amazing it'll be to flaunt tommy's dead shell to everyone else. tommy yells at dream in agony, trying to run away again, but his energy being so drained he just- he couldn't get off the ground. dream held him up by his hair, holding a sword to tommy's neck, before slicing a clean cut right through. the kid coughed on the ground, blood spewing out of his throat. the green eyed maniac kicked tommy to the ground, pinning him down and delivering the last blow right through his chest.


he's- dead? no, he's in limbo. he's-


He can't go on like this anymore.

everything, his life has flashed before his eyes. so. many. times. he just- when is it enough? when can he ever stop just, feeling all this pain? he was so ready to finally have- to finally get the ending he thought he deserved. but, he didn't deserve that ending. he knew he didn't. he just had to go and ruin everything again. why is he so.. stupid. why is he so stupid. why why wh-

twenty four hours. twenty four hours dream left him in there, his rotting corpse probably starting to develop an almost toxic scent. this was- it was it. that was it. tommy rose from the dead, all his wounds being wide open, his broken limbs slowly repairing and his psyche fading away. and just like that, he was dead. he felt, nothing. he could never feel anything. probably, never again? he's just, so shattered. he can't be shattered any more. his clothes, they're stained by his own blood. dream looks at him, astounded. so.. proud, of his little 'project'. his little 'experiment'. tommy knows, he wanted to scream. he wanted to cry, he wanted to let all his anger out on dream, but he just- he couldn't. he couldn't do it anymore. he couldn't smile, couldn't rage, couldn't.. feel? it was.. he felt.. no, he didn't feel.. he- 

"So, how do you feel?" that rat bastard. daring to ask such an insensitive question. "is it just as I hoped? because, tommy, you are..- you're perfect, this way. no feelings, no thoughts, just.. you." dream sighs in relief, admiring his tiny little toy. just waiting to flaunt him- no. flaunt it around everywhere. it's like tommy is.. a souvenir of some sort. a token. won in an arcade machine. tommy was nothing but an insolent little brat for so many years in dreams eyes, that now, he's finally the perfect little 'pet'  dream can take care of. isn't it.. great? cause, it sure is not. this is actually, the opposite of great. tommy felt nothing at all, he felt, useless. well, he did feel things. just. was physically unable to express them. for example, if tommy was to stab himself in the leg, he'd have absolutely no reaction.

it's. been a tough couple of days for tommy, you could say. it hasnt been that long since he'd lost every speck of emotion left in him, but it felt like it had been ages. now, all that's left is his corpse. rotting away slowly but surely.

Tommy's— no. his eyes, they gave off.. such a strong aura. pupils, shrinked to the brim. his eye sockets, wide open. he looked so.. dead. is that the word? yeah, he's dead.

Tommy is dead.

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