kiribaku - 6

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Kirishima POV

The plan was to go swimming at a lagoon after we had lunch, and obviously I was in, and by the looks of it, so was Katsuki. After we finished lunch everyone started going back. Katsuki walked up to me and held my hand as we headed back.

"It's so pretty here! I love how everywhere you look can be a photo, you know?" I ask as I look at him, he starts looking around.

"Yeah. Never thought of that." He says smiling as he looks at me, as I look around. "You're adorable."

I smile as I hold his hand harder as we head back to our room to change. All of a sudden, near a pool I feel Katsuki's hand heat up, to the point I had to pull back as I see him glaring at someone. Sero.

He is right next to Aizawa, as he slowly walks up to us. I walk closer to Katsuki, as he starts little explosions in his hand. I just look at him, I didn't want to talk to him.

"Kirishima.. I need to talk to you," He says carefully. I ever so slightly nod. I don't speak or anything. "I'm really sorry. I really am. I just get so jealous because.. I've liked you for a while, and the fact you always seemed more interested in Bakugou then me.. I just couldn't stand it. So I had to win you over somehow and..." He started to cry a bit as I just looked at him in disgust. Before he could finish I grabbed Katsuki's hand and ran away.

Katsuki actually laughed a bit as we ran through the resort. It was really pretty. Him laughing made me laugh a bit. His laugh is everything. When we got to the prettiest place on the island. I stopped to look at it as Katsuki walked up to me and kissed me. He put his hands on my waist, as I put one of my hands on his hand, and the other on his face, deepening the kiss. And believe it or not, in that little 30 second moment, he made me feel so much better. 

When I pulled back Katsuki smiled. "I love you." He said. My heart started beating really fast as I looked at him in the eye. He just said that to me. For the first time. He didn't look nervous or anything. I smiled a lot. 

"I love you also," i said, and just as I said that his lips were on mine. This time I threw my arms around him, holding him close to me, hard. After a longer while, we pulled back and he kissed my hand. 

"I really do Eijiro," He said.

We spent about 30 minutes, just talking after that, and kissing. Oh also making out. Then we headed back to our room to change. Then we headed to the lagoon with everyone. Then Mina spotted us holding hand. She smirked.

"Can we play truth or dare? Please?" She asked as again, everyone agreed.

When we all sat down, I noticed Todoroki and Midoriya weren't here. I didn't think about it as we continued to play the game. Then it was my turn. 

"Kirishima, truth or dare?" Shoji asked me. Nothing bad could happen at this point, so..


"Kiss Bakugou with tongue in front of us," He said as I got red. Katsuki laughed as he stood up ad we stood in the middle. He kissed me, as I opened my mouth and his tongue went halfway down my throat. It continued for a bit, until He pulled us apart with an extra arm. "Ok now stop being obsessed with each other." I laughed as Katsuki seemed upset the kiss was broken, then it was my turn. 

"Shinsou, truth or dare?" I asked. I didn't know my question, but it was going to be something about him and Denki.

"Huh? Oh. Truth," He said sounding out of it. I was sad because I was going to dare him to jump in the water, and stay there for the rest of the time.

"How often do you and Denki fuck?" I said quite boldly. Denki turned red fast, as Shinsou looked unbothered.

"Oh, like 5-6 times a week," He said as my jaw dropped. What.

"HEY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!" Denki screamed at him as he laughed and pulled him into his lap to shut him up. Shinsou chuckled as did everyone else. This went on.

About 3-4 hours later it was getting dark, so we all headed back to change and shower for dinner. When Katsuki and I got back we decided to use the bath, and open the doors leading to the outside. As we got in I cuddled up to him.

"I love you Eijiro," He said holding close to his naked body. I felt a huge smile come on as I buried my face into his chest. I sighed and Looked at him dead in the eye. 

"I love you Katsuki," I said as I connected our lips and I straddled his hips. It felt weird doing that naked, but I was focused on his lips, and how our mouth's fought for dominance. He won.

"I know we have been moving fast, with us. Like I've only dated you for three days, but I actually loved you for so so long," He said looking at me with love in his eyes. I felt my eyes water up. I smiled a huge smile as I buried my head into his neck again, casually kissing it.

"You mean so much to me Kat," I said as I just sat up, and looked at the view.

After the bath we got out and changed into pajama pants, and I wore shorts. I got into the bed and I grabbed my phone to see what was going on with other people, since I really haven't looked at my phone for a good amount of time. 

I opened my messages and saw a lot from Sero. I gave my phone to Katsuki to let him read them.

"Kat, read this," I say as I handed him my phone. I could tell he was getting angry, as I felt the hand of his I was holding start to heat up. "Should I reply?" I asked him. Guess it was the wrong thing, or wrong time.

"Hell no, why the fuck would you reply to him. That fucking bastard. I will kill him, and you should not be talking to him. Why are you even talking to this asshole of a guy? Huh? Exactly you shouldn't be. For your own fucking safety," He said aggressively. 

"Oh, sorry," Is all I said before I took my phone back and turned around. It was awkwardly quiet for a little while. Until I decided to go to sleep. I plugged in my phone, and turned off my light and turned to face Katsuki as I closed my eyes. Wanting him to hold me, but not wanting him to be mad at me. 

He did the same, and turned to face me and put his arms around me. I dug my body closer and closer to his. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to be mad, he just makes me aggressive," He said as he kissed my forehead, and held my ass in one hand, and my neck in the other.

"Don't be, you're just looking our for me. I love you," I say as he kisses my head, a long kiss, as I slowly fall asleep. Just before I am alseep I hear him whisper.

"I love you more," Then I'm asleep, in his arms again.

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