Chapter 3: Who is Jake Sim?

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Y/N's POV:

Jake Sim, huh? Kind of a nice name, I guess.

I entered in his contact after he cut our conversation short. He seemed similar to his "customer persona," for lack of better words; flirty, but definitely less vulgar. Then again, that was our first real conversation, which wasn't much. I couldn't believe I had dug myself this deep into a hole. I mean, I was the one who gave him my number!

I decided to FaceTime Sana. I thought that maybe she could be of help. After all, she's quite flirtatious and charming, herself. It only took two rings for her to pick up.

"Hello? Y/N, did your plan work? Did he text you? I know something must have happened!" Sana yelled through the phone. Her hair was clipped back and she was laying down with a face mask on. Probably the most ridiculous thing I've seen her wear.

"Whoah there...and yes he texted me. It only took him 30 minutes. His ambition is almost insufferable," I replied, snapping back into reality whilst realizing that Sana was going to monitor my newfound "friendship" with Jake.

"Oh, come on! He's not insufferable, he's silly."

"Yeah right. He seemed about the same as always."

"That's good. Now it's time for business. Luckily, I have devised a plan while waiting for you to call me!" I swear to this day that Sana is telepathic. Continuing, she said, "Now that you have had your first friendly conversation with..."


"Jake, we must conduct research! Please tell me you know his last name."

"Yes, I do. It's Jake Sim...Hold on. I am not going to stalk his instagram or something! I'll let him tell me whenever he feels like it!" Part of me wanted to, but that's kind of an invasion of privacy even though accounts can be public.

"Yes, we are! We are going to get to the bottom of this! Just...don't mention anything about this to him. I have a feeling you'd let something slide."

"Oh geez, Sana."

"What? He could be a kidnapper for all we know. A super hot one...and funny. Oh and-"

"Okay enough! I'll do it! Let me grab my computer."

I felt like a freaking NCIS character pulling up some criminal's profile. (Not that I've watched NCIS in the first place.) First, I tried instagram, but I found nothing. Sana wouldn't stand to hear that, so she demanded I looked on Facebook. Like he'd use that.

"Again, nothing," I said in defeat. "I don't know what other social media one could possibly use."

"Ohoho, silly Y/N, we haven't Googled him yet."

"Jesus, really? He's not some famous person and there are probably plenty of Jake Sims all over the world."

"Fine, but suit yourself. You never know," With that, Sana hung up.


I wasted an hour of my life trying to search up a random guy on social media. I tried to go about the rest of the day normally, but as I started to lay down to sleep, I couldn't. The day had been a rollercoaster of excitement that I couldn't exactly sleep on. What Sana had said about Googling was stuck in my head.

Maybe Googling him won't hurt. If I don't find anything, I'll go straight to sleep.

I got ready for the moment of truth, expecting it to be anti-climactic. I could have never been so wrong in my life though. All of the search results were Jake. Every picture was exactly the same person as the one I met on a doorstep.

What the fuck?

I scrolled more, hoping that he was just some YouTuber. Anything that didn't make him as famous as Google made him out to be. Alas, I came upon a group picture of him and other equally handsome boys. He was an idol...

It took an incredible amount of time for that to fully sink in. (Or what seemed like an incredible amount of time.) I sat upright and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

Jake Sim
11:05 pm



yeah hi 😁
did you not have the thought that you MAY have wanted to tell me that youre a fucking idol?

if this is the answer you want, its no

care to explain?

(A/N: i changed the format bc there's gonna be a lot of texting in the next chapter 🤪🤪🤪)

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