Chapter 6: Skating for Idiots

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Y/N's POV:

Ya know, I'm not too bad at ice skating. Sometimes I wish I had pursued being a figure skater, because I'd probably be good at it...maybe. My gracefulness just isn't meant to be shared with the world right now, I guess.

"Anyhoo, Mr. Jake over here sucks."


"Oops, did I say that out loud?" I turned to look over my shoulder at Jake stumbling, presumably from my "accidental" audible comment.

"Wow, okay~" He said, rolling his eyes. I stopped for a second to lean on the railing while watching Jake struggle. Not gonna lie, it was cute. He spun around in an awkward circle and then joined me at the rail, "Be honest, that was pretty cool."

"Mhm for sure!" I said enthusiastically, clapping my hands.

I saw Jake's eyes wander in front of him. It took me a moment to search the crowd of people to see Sana and Tzuyu in the center of the rink. Holding both of each other's hands, they danced and attempted to spin around, laughing all the while. Avoiding hitting someone else, Tzuyu swerved, pushing herself closer to Sana. Everything about them was so incredibly cute; almost like they were in a movie.

I was snapped out of my trance when Jake spoke up again, "I didn't come here for people watching, so let's go!" He took my hand, and pulled me away from the rail.

"Ah, shit, you're gonna make me f-!" Seconds after he dragged me, I lost my balance and fell straight on my ass. Still holding on, Jake slid, but eventually forfeited and landed, arms outstretched over my legs. It didn't do him any good to have caught himself on the cold ice, so he just went limp and laid there, stunned.

"Jesus, Jake. You about killed us!" I managed to say, breathing as if I'd just sprinted a mile. He turned towards me and looked up with a smile that was hard to read.

"Sorry, I thought that I'd show you my skills, but..."

"Haha, it's fine. I don't care," which was the truth. Anyone would've forgiven such a fantastic spectacle- at least I'd hope so.

We helped each other up as Sana and Tzuyu paused their little skating routine to see the commotion.

"Lucky you," Sana whispered into my ear, causing heat to rise in my cheeks.

"Are both of you okay?" asked Tzuyu worriedly.

"Never been better," Jake winked at me.

Jeez, why's it always gotta be something that breaks anything platonic?

"Y/N will teach you how to skate better!"

"SANA." I whisper-yelled.

All she did was give me her little smug look, and hooked arms with Tzuyu, skating away.

"Well, haha...let's start, shall we?" I said, trying not to sound mortified. I didn't believe that me, of all people, had gone from being a normal human to a total mess in such a short amount of time.

I took both of Jake's hands, and led us around the rink. After a while, it didn't seem that bad...I had to cherish these moments while I still had the chance.

We continued on with me skating backwards, so Jake could see where he was going. Everything went smoothly until I saw Jake's eyes fixate on someone again. I assumed it was just Sana and Tzuyu doing something dumb, but his face started to darken. His hands were jittery, as if he were trying to get somewhere. I guessed I had been hindering his movement.

"You want to go in a different direction?" I asked.

"Yeah, uh, actually can we go inside for a moment?"


Obviously something was up, and he seemed to be in a hurry. Unfortunately, we had to weave in and out of other skaters to get to the gate, but Jake had actually improved quite a bit so he managed to help himself across the rink.

When we stepped inside, Jake pulled me into a corner, looking to make sure that no one was around.

"What the hell are we doing?" I asked.

"There was a Dispatch reporter."

So that's who he was looking at all along.

"Well why didn't you say so earlier?"

"I thought it would be fine because there's a lot of people here anyway! Plus, I didn't want to ruin the fun."

"Fair enough, but what are you gonna do now? We can't just stand here forever."

A/N: yay cliffhanger 😁😁😁 also lemme make this loud and clear: this was absolutely dreadful to write 😩

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