Yoongi Min

44 0 30

Words: 1031


Bold = Yoongles

Normal = Other Person

I entered my house and slammed the door shut behind me, sighing. "Hobi! Are you home?" No answer. I sighed again, wanting him to be home so we could cuddle. Entering the living room and flipping on the lights, I began my journey to get ready for bed. Until I got a phone call. I read the caller ID. Unknown. I warily accepted the call, expecting it to be spam or some random person trying to contact me about my non-existent car insurance. Instead, it was something I wish I never accepted. Something I wish I never known. Something that ruined my life forever.

"Hello?" "Hi. Is this Min Yoongi?" The random person sounded scared, like I would kill them or something. "Yes?" "Alright. By the way, my name is Lee Y/N." "...oke? What am I needed for?" "Well, sorry to interrupt you're evening with this... but I'm afraid that something has happened... to your friends. Most specifically, Jung Hoseok. I heard that you and Hoseok are together?" My breath caught in my throat, my chest beginning to feel constricted. "What happened to them?! Are they oke? Do I need to come anywhere? What hap-" "Mr. Min Yoongi, please listen. Your friends... they all had terrible accidents. And I'm afraid... They have all deceased."

And that's when my whole world came crashing down. Everything I loved and made me happy was gone. "W-What?" I asked, feeling completely numb. I leaned against the wall, sliding down and hitting the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. "I'm so sorry Mr. Yoongi. We... We just found their bodies. If you like, I could describe what everyone looked like, so you don't have to leave the house, or wherever you might be." I barely heard her. The phone dropped from my hands, hitting the floor. I barely heard her voice trying to get me to answer her and make sure I was alright. Tears didn't even fill my eyes. I stared at the ground, not even caring that I heard a window break in the room beside me. I didn't even realize that there was an animal peering over the wall into the front entryway. Looking up, I was met with a grinning, bloody smiled husky staring back at me. That's when I recognized the thing standing in front of me. It was in a picture an unknown number had sent me, asking me to send it to all my friends. I had ignored it at the time and just deleted and blocked the number, moving on with my day.

Now I welcomed the figure with open arms. My mind wasn't even here. I felt nothing. My only source of happiness was gone. The boys I had grown with for the past 9+ years were gone forever. I didn't want to live anymore. My life was worthless now. There was no one to talk to. There was no one to laugh with. There was no one to stop me from killing myself anyway. 'Might as well as get it over with,' I thought, remembering a video I had watched on creepy pastas. The animal in front of me was a demon named Smile Dog. He took the form of a demented husky and tried to get people to share his picture on the internet. I was going to die even if I somehow convinced myself not to do it by hand. Since I had blocked the number and deleted the picture, he was coming after me anyway. I might as well die comfortable. "Just a minute," I told the animal, getting up and leaving the room. "Let me get ready first." He seemed to mostly understand, because he started to follow me and watch my every move. I chuckled, accepting my situation completely.

"You're my last friend now," I said, petting his head and smiling. He... Well, smiled back and wagged his tail a bit. He didn't seem like a demon now. Just a good dog friend to take me to see my friends once again. Now I was beginning to get excited. I would get to live with them forever. "Don't worry; you'll get your pray soon," I reassured the animal, changing into a little piece of all the other members. I slipped on Joon's t-shirt and stole Kook's (clean) underwear, which had a hole in them for some reason. I took Hobi's sweatpants and grabbed an RJ plushie off of my bed. Taking Jimin's Dino onesie I put that on and grabbed Tae's headband with little Tata plushies on the band. Sticking it on my head I slipped into our big bed we sometimes all cuddled in and got comfy under the sheets. I patted the spot in front of me and Smile Dog jumped up quickly. I smiled softly and looked around one last time, taking in our house and remembering all the memories we all made together. Me confessing to Hobi, our first kiss, Bangtan's first cuddle session, me comforting Kook when he had accidentally wet the bed, me feeding Tae when he didn't feel well, Jimin and I cuddling when Hobi was oke with it, Jin and I cooking together and laughing, and Joon and I reading together on the back porch. It all started rushing back, and I smiled again, content with my decision. No tears ever filled my eyes or ran down my cheeks. I looked Smile Dog straight in the eye and said my last words. "Be ready Bangtan. I'm coming home."

(OMFG bro y was this so emotional.)

(I almost cried.)

(I didn't know I had it in me to write such a depressing fic.)

(Something is wrong with me.)

(Well... I hope you enjoyed this depressing fic. But no, it's not over. Be ready to cry and feel like you wanna die as well.) 

(No shame here. Comment how much you cried, or how strong you were. I love to hear comments.)

(I'm gon ask a question. Have you ever felt this way? (As in, how Yoongi felt at the end?) If so, what happened?)

(Also, which member would be most likely to try to do suicide or have depression?)

(Bye now. Imma cry myself to sleep bui bui.)


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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