Chapter 3

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Annabeth left me at the door to my room, the magical chains around her arms not allowing her to open my doors. I slowly entered my quarters, waiting for the greatness that was the room.

Instead, I found myself stepping out from what appeared to be an outhouse. A rundown and rotting, wooden outhouse. With, of course, 2 golden doors on it. Turning around, I saw the fuss about the room.

Before me was the end of a jungle, before stretching out into a golden beach. Tall palms with coconuts bordered the jungle, some with bananas instead. The jungle was too thick to try and push past behind where the doors were. And the blue sky was blocked by a large, black cloud.

The beach was perfect, untouched by any pollution, making the sand have rolling designs from the wind. The ocean softly rolled over the beach, leaving behind wet footprints. The ocean itself was a beautiful sea-green, and clear enough to see a massive coral reef at the bottom of a cliff-like dropoff a hundred feet from the tide.

A cabin sat on the edge of the beach, as big as the Big House, but a lot more luxurious. A large surfboard was sticking out of the sand, and umbrellas covered some lawn chairs. "Alright, this is nice," I praised, smiling excitedly at the beach.

I decided to savor whatever was inside the cabin and returned to the doors, exciting them quietly. The halls were empty, and a thought entered my head before I could do anything. Hephaestus said he added a few toys to the house, with some secrets. I saw the toys, time to find the secrets.

Instantly, I spotted them. Above each door, except my own, was a Sea-Green Δ. With my godly stature, it was quite easy to reach it, but would be hard for the girls to do so on their own. Plus, it was very hard to see unless you were searching.

I went to the Δ above Annabeth's door and tapped the symbol lightly. The center of the hallway lowered down to a sub-level, the floor becoming a ramp around 4 feet wide.

I slid down the slope, the entrance closing behind me to remain hidden. A short hallway met with the ramp, entering into a circular chamber. A circular desk wrapped around the wall, holding many technological systems. There was a radar device, a manually-controlled defense network, power boxes for the manor's security system, and the main attraction: a 6-by-6 wall of security cameras, showing me different places around the house. I don't remember seeing any cameras, making this really secretive.

The 6 screens on the bottom row showed the inside of the girls' rooms. The rest showed the inside and outside of the manor.

Annabeth was in her room, doing some reading and research. Piper and Hazel were watching a movie in the cinema. Thalia, Bianca, and Zoë were still chasing Silena around the garden, bright grins on their faces. Rachel was in her room's lounge, watching something on her TV.

I stroked my chin in thought, before looking back at the entrance.

Time Skip:

The next half hour was spent exploring the secret rooms. Must've been magic, cause the entrance was all the same but led to different places.

Piper's led to a personal spa, Hazel's led to my Vault, Drew's led to a sex dungeon...moving on, Rachel's led to a circular room with doors that led to different places in the divine world, and the Hunters' led to an armory filled with modern and classic weaponry.

When I left the armory, the ramp sealed just as Piper and Hazel were rounding the corner. "Hey!" I greeted, glad they didn't catch the ramp. I trust them, but if like to keep these secret rooms.

"Hey, Percy," Piper greeted back, waving as she passed by. She changed into some jean shorts and a yellow t-shirt and some sneakers. Hazel was wearing some yoga pants, a black t-shirt with a skull on it, and some slippers.

"Has Annabeth talked to you, yet?" Hazel asked, attaching herself to my side. "About what?" I asked, confused. "Ordering and...Dates," she answered quietly.

", she hasn't," I answered, warmth spreading across my cheeks. "Well, where is she?" Hazel interrogated, staring at me intensely. "Her room," I answered, immediately getting dragged to the said location.

"Tell him," Hazel ordered, sitting down on her bed and pulling me down to sit beside her. Annabeth gave Hazel an exasperated look, putting a bookmark in her book.

"I had this plan. We were told that the longer we go without being pleasured, the more difficult our lives are going to get, being your sex slaves. Now, we're all virgins, except maybe Drew, and I formed an idea on how to handle the virginity problem," Annabeth started.

"Isn't there a way to stop the...difficulty?" I asked, worried. "Yes. There is a hierarchy to this madness, and of course, it affects people in different ways depending on certain characteristics. Such as the spirits, they're immune due to their immortality.

The highest authority, besides yours, is the mistress. The mistress would essentially be your wife; like Hera is with Zeus. Below her would be the Consort, a very active role besides the sexual occupancy. And below that are the concubines. Only served to please the master and mistress, and are rarely allowed to carry children," Annabeth finished.

"We already know who's going to be your mistress, there's no question in that," Hazel added, bringing blushes to both Annabeth and my faces.

"Anyway, my plan was to have you...lose yours with mine first, then take Piper and Hazel. Rachel volunteered to go next, overhearing us. Then the Hunters, before letting Drew suffer for a few months," Annabeth explained, her face deep red.

"That's the ordering plan," Hazel added, her face also red with a blush. "What was the dating plan, then?" I asked, ignoring my lightheadedness.

"Oh, Hazel and Piper want to know if they can still date Frank and Jason, despite being yours," Annabeth answered simply. "I...don't know. I don't know if there are rules to this but go ahead," I answered. Hazel hugged me tightly, thanking me profusely, before sprinting out.

"So, ah...when do you start" I asked awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "In a few weeks...we'll have it before then, so I can have complete focus on school," Annabeth replied, equally as awkwardly.

I nodded, gazing around the room awkwardly. "Not tonight," she blurted quickly. "Oh, yeah, no. No, not...definitely not tonight," I agreed, feeling a blush spread on my cheeks.

We sat in awkward silence, unable to look at each other without blushing immensely. "Hey, Annie! Dinner!" Thalia called from the door. "Great! Let's go," Annabeth exclaimed, rushing to get out of the tense space, me following closely in pursuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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