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"Zuri, please! You can't do this!"

"I have to, Cecelia. We have to."

Zuriel moved from room to room at a rapid pace, making sure he'd packed everything. "I have business outside Abrigo Seguro—you know that," he called over his shoulder in frustration.

"Well, I know, but—but what about the Pacts?" Cecelia protested, hurrying behind Zuriel with baby Cameron in her arms. "If we break one—especially this one—we'll weaken the barrier! What about the god-hunters, huh? They've been creeping around the border for months now! You know they won't hesitate to break in!"

"I'm not worried about that," Zuriel responded dismissively. "No god-hunter can defeat me in combat. I think I proved that handily last time."

"Yeah? And what about the whole tribe? They'll attack Safe Haven, and this time, you won't be there to protect it!"

"So what? The Peacekeepers can handle it."


"Cecelia," Zuriel interrupted, turning around and placing both hands on his wife's shoulders, "we're leaving. Alright? We're leaving. And there's nothing you can do to change that. I'm not raising Cameron in this fantasy world," he continued, speaking over Cecelia. "She deserves to see the real one. Safe Haven is not and will never be her home."

Cecelia lowered her head as a single tear slid down her face. Then, defeated, she nodded. "Okay. You're right." She looked up and asked in a breaking voice, "But let me say goodbye."

"Goodbye? To whom?" Zuriel asked, incredulous. "You can't tell anyone. They'll bring the Peacekeepers out in force to keep us here!"

"I can tell Aramana," Cecelia replied. "She won't tell anyone else. I know she won't."

Zuriel furrowed his brow, uncertain.

"Please!" Cecelia begged.

Zuriel hesitated again before exhaling in frustration. "Fine. Tell her goodbye. Bu we can't afford to stay for much longer after that. Once you've said you farewells, meet me at the northern border."

"Okay. I will." Cecelia kissed Zuriel and slipped out of the house, where she found Hadali waiting with a dark expression on his face. "Take me to Ramiro," Cecelia hissed in the jaguar's ear, jumping on his back and holding onto Cameron tightly. "And fast. I need you to be a cheetah, Hadali."

"I'll be faster," Hadali growled. He spun around and sprinted away, becoming a blur to the naked eye.


"Ramiro! Ramiro!"

Ramiro turned away from speaking to Aramana as Cecelia burst into his house, screaming his name frantically. "Cece? What's going on?" he asked, hurrying over to her with Aramana close behind.

"It's Zuriel! He's making us leave!" Cecelia cried, grabbing Ramiro's arms.

"Leave?" Ramiro repeated, incredulous. "No, he—he can't do that!"

"Please, you have to stop him!" Cecelia begged. "If he breaks the Pact—"

"The god-hunters," Aramana finished for her in a hushed voice.

Ramiro narrowed his eyes, baring his fangs. "Aramana. Get the other Peacekeepers," he commanded. "Tell them to secure the..." He paused, giving Cecelia a questioning glance.

21. M A L A K H I T E S : FallenWhere stories live. Discover now