the dads

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ok first of all i got this idea from an insa post hat whas from a twitter post so ye sorry for any bad grammar my brain hurts

They are all teens ,they pay rent by Wilbur's music Dream's Twitch career and Techno's library job that actually pays really well.

Dream 17

Wilbur 16

Techno 18

Wilbur a musician, Dream a minecraft streamer,and Dave-well Techno a man of many books-a librarian .All living in the same house.

Their house was huge ,it had 4 bathrooms ,one for each and a master one,6 room ,two for each, one being a bedroom and a work/office room .

It was enough for them ,you could almost say perfect.

-third person pov-

It was another normal day for all of them ,Wilbur composing music in his office room ,Dream either editing or filming a video and Techno,well Techno was just existing in the living room reading a book, until his attention was disturbed by the sound of the doorbell . He took of his reading glasses which-yes he uses those , anyways,Techno put his glasses in the crock of the book page he was on in an attempt not lo lose it .

He got up and walked over to the door ,opening it to find nobody ."heh?"

He was only greeted whit noise of a baby cooing ."HEEH??????"

It was a small child,a baby neatly placed in a big basket wrapped in a blanket whit a small stuffed cow plushie,....and a note 'its your child' written on it.Techno took the basketed child inside and took him out of the basket.

It was a small strawberry blonde boy ,he had big blue eyes and a cute face.

"WILBUR!!!!,DREAM!!!!!" Techno yelled ,and soon he heard two fast paced

sets of steps.His ears soon filled whit whats and yeas ,"okay shut up"

he said turning around whit the small cooing child in his arms."WHAT THE FUCK??"Dream yelled in confusion as why his roommate was holding a child, making it start to cry.

-Techno's pov-

"Grate look what you've done dumbass" i said back to Dream turning around to pick up the small plush cow that came in the basket of the child.

/techno isn't an orphan oblidareter in this IM SORRRRRY/

Holding the small cow above the kid making him stop crying ,"thank god" i mumbled out quietly. Taking the child and bringing him up to my room ,setting him down on my bed , also putting pillows around the edge of the bed so he wont fall off of it. Wrapping the small baby in a baby pink blanket i had on my bed ,letting the child sleep.

Soon i left the room ,once again making sure the baby wont fall off.

I headed down to the main room where i found my two VERY confused mates ."okay...." i said dragging out the 'y'."WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'OKAY' THERE IS A WHOLE ASS CHILD IN YOUR ROOM RIGHT NoW" Dream yelled at me once again ,hawing a voice crack making me laugh."ok no Techno what the actual fuck ,who's kid is that " Wilbur asked me whit a confused face "Ohh,um i have no idea who's child is that, i found him on the doorstep in this basket" i answered holding up the basket that the kid came in . "And so now what do we name him " i asked " what about Tommy " Dream chimed in whit the name which i liked " yea sure i like that" " ok sure its cool whit me" me and Wilbur's said one after another. "uhmm is who's room is the kid gonna stay"" Who raises their hand last stays whit the kid" Wilbur blurred out a bit to fast for my ADHD brain to proces and once i did realize what he said ,they both had their hands up ." UGHHhhHh fine Tommy can stay whit me".

I mean not that i care really ,i have kind of grown a slight liking to the kid.....

After returning back to my room,i found Tommy still asleep on my bed covered in blankets and surrounded by pillows.'Eh might as well take a nap whit him ' i thought before removing some of the pillows, not bothering to get under the covers, pulling one of the many random blankets that are spread around the room over my body, craving some of the warmth.Soon letting my thoughts wander around as i slowly fell asleep next to the child.

Ssssoooooo thats that ,i dont really know if im going to continue this one but ill see and update you in the future , go commit food and water and i love you all <3

-love Liam<3

-word count : 791

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