My son

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The Watsons

Phil : 31

Techno : 19

Wilbur : 17

Tommy : 15

and for the good messure- they are family friends and ranboo and tommy like eachother so ye it fine -

Tubbo : 16

Ranboo : 16

Wilbur Soot is a 17 yo teen who is getting fostered by the Watson family,and that being Phil, Dave/techno/ and Tommy .A very nice family.

Wilbur wasn't really a good kid ,he was in the foster system for the last 8 years or so.Thought the 8 years he learned how to steal,pickpocket,he smoked and drank by 13 .

Wilbur knew he wasn't the best kid and did he care ? no,not really .Physically Wil was stable ,he had a tall and slim build ,but mentally he was a wreck,hawing anxiety and anxiety ticks sometimes,slight ptsd and a clearly visible eating disorder,and something nobody knew .

...All the blades he hides and the many ,too many tiny cuts along his arm and thighs.

-the night before Wilbur got fostered by Phil-

-Wilbur's pov-

Today around 6pm i got noted that im gonna be fostered by some random family by the name of the Watsons or some shit .

Not that i really cared, in all honesty i was glad im getting fostered ,since in this fucking orphanage if your not down for any meal at the whatever time sharp you don't eat at all then ,and that brings us to my slightly giant eating disorder. You don't have phone privileges here so i don't know the time and i don't have a clock in my room since i broke it-well more like smashed it to the wall in a fit of rage but anyways ,i always slept in if i ever did sleep ,and i would never come down for any meals so i didn't really eat.

Not going to lie my room was quite depressing ,it hawing random small piles of clothes in random places ,things ive stolen from one place or another ,a lot of them being from school might i add, my room had led lights that almost always glowed red and i never used the "big" light in my room ,and it has fake vines all over the ceiling and walls ,it had dirt and random trash everywhere but it way my room and mine only.

Now it was 'roud 4 am and did i plan on sleeping ,no not really ,right now i was packing all the things i had listed in to two boxes i got yesterday ,my two suitcases where filled whit my clothse ,a lot of space taken up whit my jackets but oh whel,and i did manage to stuff some more things in there too ,and now i was packing all the stuff- so my plan was take everything ive stolen that i still own and put it in one box and everything else in the other ,and by 6 am i was done . The orphanage lady said i was getting picked up first thing in the morning ,so somewhat around 9 am -

Another two hours passed and i once again didn't bother going down for breakfast so i just sat in my room ,drawing on the wall,like i usually do when i'm bored,tho i was still in my pajamas i knew exactly what i was going to ware so i started to get ready, it had been a white collared whit and a yellow sweater on top of it and then i pulled on some really ripped black jeans,and over all of that i added my big trench coat, and for finishing touches i added a beanie and some glasses on top of my head.

And now i waited another thirty minutes i think .

So earlier i mentioned i think that the kids are not aloud to have phones or some shit like that,but i did have one and i always had it and had it whit me ,i stole it a couple years back and had it since then ,on it i always had a folder of the wall art progress,like random pictures of the wall right before i leave to a house , and since i had to be down in about five minutes i took a couple of pictures of the wall , then putt them in that folder.And in a clear part of the paintings i added a sticker and wrote under it 'do not touch the paintings or i will come while you sleep' under it .

Now i needed to bring all my shit downstairs ,so first i took down my bag and the two suitcases,and when i was down i spotted a family.

"probably here to adopt some nice kid" i muttered on my way back ,then after i got back i took one by one box down and when i was done one of the workers came up to me "Hello mister Soot ,please follow me to meet your foster parent now" the lady said politely,she was my

favorite-no actually two of them are ,Mrs Puffy and Mrs Sally , they are the best here .

Anyways i followed Mrs Puffy into the meeting room where i was met whit not one or two people but three, a too tall child or teen however you want whit blond hair,and slightly shorter man whit pink hair and he seemed to be around nineteen or twenty and a visibly shorter man in his early thirty whit shoulder lenght hair.They where sat on a couple of chairs on the left side of the room so i simply went and sat on the right side of the room ,"Hello you must be Wilbur then?,im Phil" the shorter blond said, i didn't want to talk to these people so i just nodded my head,"He looks like a prick" the second blond muttered and almost like automatic i said back

"Your mum looks like a prick bitch" i didn't bother making a good first impresion and i never really did.

" Okay ,okay enough boys "

Phil said sushing me and the child. "okay boys introduce yourselfs please" he spoke again and now the pinkett talked first "halloo im Dave but like call me Techno and im 19" he said slightly fidgeting whit his hands,then the second blond slope"I'm Tommy ,bitch" "okay uhm I'm Wilbur Soot and you look stupid " I said whilst pointing to the taller blond." Okay Wilbur that's enough do you have your stuff" I nodded ,"okay then Techno go help him load it in the car" Phil said motioning him to stand up . I walked out of the room and lifted one of the boxes ,and he lifted another one"hey ,uhm why dose this say 'shit I've stolen' ?" he asked "beacose it's shit I've stolen' from like everywhere "I said back whit a sarcastic voice and after that we didn't talk ,we got everything in the car and then Phil and Tommy came and sat in the car . Me and the child in the back and Phil and Techno in the front. Phil started up the car and started to drive to their house.

Yaaas I'm actually posting wtf so this is what I've written on my laptop and there is a couple more ,sorry for any spelling mistakes please feel free to point them out and so thats that so byee

Ps there will be more parts to this

Word count : 1245 words

PPS this is the longest thing I wrote

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