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Character :
Cloud!Underswap Sans

In-universe Name :

Nicknames :
Captain, by Cloud!UT Sans
My lord, by Cloud!Fresh
The Scary Berry, by Cloud!FF Sans and his gang, and by Cloud!Fresh behind Mul's back
Mul or Berry, by someone talking to him in a none-professional setting

Physical Appearance :
Wears jet-black armor similar in style to how Underverse!Cross appeared as a Royal Guard before everyone started wearing the new uniform, however the overall design is spikier and the shoulder pads are bigger than normal. Still wears a scarf with the end tied in a bow, however it is a dark blue opposed to Canon!Blueberries cyan scarf. He also wears big, high heeled boots, the same color as his scarf. His eye lights are normally white, upside down stars. His "Bad-time Eye" is a lighter shade of blue, with a green tint. His magic color is a deep blue; I.E. the color of the aura around his hand when he uses a blue attack on someone, the natural color of his bone attacks, and the eye lights and beams of his Gaster Blasters. (Art of this and all other characters featured will be made, however it will take a while for me to make. This is especially true for Mulberry, as his armor is much more complicated to draw than everyone else's hoodies and coats).

Bio :
"Peace through conquest" - Mulberry's army recruitment poster
Ruthless, cold-hearted, cruel, and narcissistic have all been used to describe Mulberry. Ruling his army with an iron-clad fist, he makes sure that everyone under his rule is loyal to him and only him. He has been known to scare his troops into submission by publicly executing anyone he suspects of being a traitor. Whether the poor souls he's executed actually were traitors is up for debate. The only people safe from his wrath are Cannonball, (Cloud!UT Sans) and Prisma, (Cloud!Fresh). Mulberry knows that Cannonball will follow his orders like a lapdog, no questions asked, and Prisma's work as his Royal Scientist is too important for him to be killed. Mulberry is known to not be much of a fighter, showing up to fight himself as little as possible. However, he makes sure to fuel his ego and show his troops his power by fighting in some battles. Usually, the battles he does fight in are against woefully unprepared foes, though he does his best to hide this from his troops. He always makes sure to fight the enemies leader head on. When Mulberry eventually defeats his opponent, he makes a big deal of showing mercy to them. After the show is over, Mulberry personally escorts the captured leader to a "prison cell" in Darkmount. This is actually an execution chamber, where they are killed by Mulberry, and sometimes Cannonball if he's done his job properly, in order to increase LV. This does not mean Mulberry is not powerful, as he is well equipped and trained to take down people in his path. He only prefers for other people to do his dirty work, which lets him take it easy and let's other enemies underestimate him, which Mulberry considers his biggest advantage. While his army thinks that Mulberry is simply trying to bring peace to the multiverse, in reality he just wants everyone under his thumb. Cliche, much?

Notes and Fun Facts :
Mulberry is a real fruit, which is often characterized as having a rotting smell. I chose this name as Cloud!Blueberry had potential to be like his cannon counterpart, but rotted away into what he is now.
His recruitment poster's slogan is a spinoff of Megatron's slogan, "peace through tyranny".
The idea of Mulberry having big shoulder pads on his armor came from Ultra Magnus.
Mulberry's colors are a mix of Fellswap!Sans and his original counterparts color schemes.
Prisma told Buttercup, (Cloud!FF Sans), that Mulberry had such large shoulder pads because, "He's compensating for something".

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