chapter one

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  we had all gotten scholarships to eden hall academy and on top of that we had a new coach. i wanted to make some new friends there, don't get me wrong i love the ducks but since charlie and i started dating we all go farther apart. that was weird to me if i'm being honest. i just hope the people at eden hall are nice.

"please welcome to the podium, the head coach and leader of the mighty ducks, gordon bombay."  the dean of eden hall told the crowd while people cheered.

"thank you it's a great honor to be here today to introduce you to a truly great group of kids. sure, they can be a little rambunctious. they've run me ragged and played more than their fair share of pranks. i still haven't forgotten about those eggs. but i hung in there, and they hung in there for me. we became the 'quack attack' the 'flying v' and the 'bash brothers'. ice never had a better time. these kids are winners, each and every one of them. but more than that these are good people. i hope that they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. now i hand you over to the capable hands of my old biology teacher and the current headmaster of eden hall, dean buckley." coach told the people.

  "gordon bombay has a lot to be proud of. we are happy to welcome the ducks to our great educational institution. so today it gives me great pleasure to award you these full academic scholarships to the eden hall academy. where we hope the ducks will lead us onto glory and divisional championships!" dean said ending the welcome ceremony.

  we were all clapping and we were excited to go to this new school. we were a little upset about bombay but we'll get over it eventually.


as me and charlie walked into the alley to get fulton he asked "hey, fulton, you ever think to shoot back into the alley and not the street?"

"no, not really." he replied and went back to shooting. once he shot and missed we all flinched because he hit someone. charlie and i started to put on our skates while goldberg, the person he hit, walked into the alley.

"sorry goldberg." fulton said nonchalantly.

"oh no problem guys. life isn't bad enough, i gotta worry about being nailed off the ice too?" he scoffed.

"you're a goalie, dude, deal." fulton mentioned.

"thanks fulton, real sensitive." goldberg said sarcastically.

"well let's go. we wouldn't want to keep the preppy snobs waiting." charlie interjected into the conversation. we then skated together and started to head over to find the rest of the ducks and go to our new school.

"hey babe, you okay? you seem a little off, like you haven't talked much." charlie asked me concerned.

"yeah, i'm fine, i guess, just a little nervous." i responded.

"hey there's nothing to be nervous about, you'll be fine. besides, if anyone bothers you just tell me, alright?" he said.

"for sure, honey." i laughed a little. we got to eden hall not long after that. we went in the back way, not wanting to be seen. goldberg fell and pushed us all making us fall and break the curtain. we were all being laughed at while connie and i were both stuck under the heavy teenage boys. as i struggled to get up charlie said reluctantly, "hi, we are the ducks." then a burst of laughter arose from the crowd making my face turn a bright pink. we then got up and rushed back outside to the front and went to sit down by the rest of the ducks. later, after the speech was finished we we the first ones out and went to go check out the rest of the school. "man, this is not a good way to start out our year." kenny declared.

"don't worry, kenny, these preppies won't do anything to us." charlie reassured him while putting his arm around me.

"every monday, you'll have a practice quiz. every wednesday, you'll have a real quiz. every friday you'll have an exam, and anytime i feel like it you'll have a surprise quiz or exam." our teacher told us not caring a bit. we were all amazed and i'm pretty sure everyone in that room, besides her, had their mouth open. the bell rang and we were dismissed for lunch. connie and i saw luis checking a blonde cheerleader out. there were a few guys and another cheerleader standing to the side, who also saw him do it. one was pretty average in height and not very cute, but the one beside him was probably 6'2, he had brown hair and gorgeous green eyes, i soon snapped out of my trans when i realized connie was talking to me.

"huh, sorry, i wasn't listeni-" i started to say but got cut off by a bang that sounded like lockers and luis was against them meaning those guys probably pushed him into them. i don't really blame them because he deserved every piece of that he got. i looked at the guys again and there was another one beside the cute green eyed boy. another brunette but he looked familiar but i wasn't sure where from. i walked past them to get another glance at the new boy. he and the pretty boy looked and his face seemed familiar too, but from where?


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