Chapter 19

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|Scar Mejia|

"Guys!" Melissa yelled, waking Isaac, Scott and I up.

I stayed over Scott's house with Isaac to watch Momma McCall, since healers were the next human sacrifices.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, we were watching over you." Isaac yawned.

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice." I smiled.

"Both all three of you were asleep?"

"You were on watch last." Scott said to Isaac.

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last."

"Isaac, you were on watch last." I corrected him.

Isaac thought about it for a second, "I might've been on watch last."

Melissa chuckled, "My heroes. Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear."

"Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of healer, mom, and you were definitely a healer last night."

I wasn't there but I heard she saved Danny's life.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all of you get your butts to school."


"Go back to school." Derek scolded us.

He was 100% healed now.

"Actually, We can't. Boyd and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac lied.

"With what, brain damage?" Derek asked.

"Well, I have a migraine, and Boyd here has explosive diarrhea."

"What's your excuse?" Derek turned to asked me.

I shrugged, "I have cramps."

Boyd rolled his eyes, "We're here to protect you."

"You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then." Derek sighed.

"Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan." Isaac said, looking through some book.

Boyd explained the plan to Derek while I turned on the hose. After what felt like an hour, Derek's loft was now flooded. We stood on wooden planks, so we wouldn't be touching the water. Boyd turned the power on while I threw the wires into the water.

"Is this gonna kill him?" Isaac asked.

"I hope so."

We all sat down and waited.

After what felt like another 2 hours, Isaac broke the silence. "Isn't the light on that supposed to be on?"

He pointed to a box on the wall.

"Yeah." Derek sighed.

"What does it mean if it's not?" I asked Derek.

"Someone cut the auxiliary power."

Suddenly, all the lights went off. We all stood up. Derek stepped into the water and walked into the middle of the room.

"Derek...What do we do now?" Isaac asked.

"We fight."

The door opened and Kali walked in.

"Gonna be honest, Derek, when Ennis died, I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you, wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought 'What's a girl got to do to get you alone?" Kali looked behind her when the twins walked in, holding Ms. Blake, "You and me Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one on one?"

Derek nodded his head to the left and we walked out of the way.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth." He growl before the fight commenced.

Ms. Blake screamed as Derek got kicked in the back. Isaac went to get her but I held him back. Kali kicked him again knocking him onto his back. Isaac's phone vibrated and he ran to Ms. Blake.

"Isaac, wait!" I yelled, running after him.

The power turned on and Derek, Kali, Boyd, and I got shocked but I didn't feel it.

"Take him." Kali yelled at the twins, who ran past me.

I looked back to Derek, who was pinned by the twins. They raised his hands as Kali threw Boyd onto his claws.

"No." Isaac and I yelled.

"I'm giving you till the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack... or next time I'm killing all of you." They walked out.

"No.No. No." Derek mumbled.

"It's okay." Boyd said.

"No. No, it's not."

"It's all okay, Derek."

"I'm-I'm sorry." Derek stuttered.

"The full moon. That feeling... That was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what... what that felt like for one of us..." Boyd let out his last breathe and fell back into the water.

Cora, Lydia and Stiles walked in and ran over to Derek and Boyd's body. I felt paralyzed. Another loved one... dead.


Scott had found Deaton in time. He was in the bank vault. Scott also found out that he was a true alpha. It's one who rises purely on the strength of the character, by virtue, by sheer force of will. Yeah, that sounds like Scott to me. He's going to make an amazing alpha.

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